

Ceremonial signing of the extension of the EA MLA agreement to the field of PT providers

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperationInternational activities

Regarding the decision on the extension of the EA MLA agreement to PT providers (EN ISO/IEC 17043) which is valid from October 15th, 2022  during the 52nd session of the General Assembly of the European co-operation for accreditation (EA General Assembly) held in Brussels, on November 23rd and 24th, 2022, ATS was honored and recognized for the results of work in the field of accreditation of PT providers, by organizing a ceremonial signing of extension of the EA MLA agreement to the field of PT providers (EN ISO/IEC 17043).

You can view it in detail: HERE►


Your ATS

Introductory workshop for the introduction of the CAF model in ATS

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

The introductory workshop for the introduction of the CAF model of quality management in ATS was held on November 16th and 17th, 2022. The lecturers at the training (CAF support team) are Goran Paštrović, an expert in front of the EU4PAR project and Danilo Rodić, in front of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, while participants are members of the self-assessment working group from among ATS employees.

During the two days of training, in a working and pleasant atmosphere, through theoretical lectures, practical examples and the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the main goals of the workshop were achieved: to familiarize the participants with the systems and models of quality management according to the CAF model and to train them to perform self-evaluation of institution independently based for the development of an action plan/improvement plan. 

You can view it in detail: HERE►


Your ATS

Study visit to the institutions of the European Commission in Brussels

Study visit to the institutions of the European Commission in Brussels

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperationInternational activities

Within the framework of the IPA 2017 ''EU FOR SERBIA - Support for safer products'' for institutions of the quality infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy, a study visit to the institutions of the European Commission was made possible in Brussels, 11th to 13th October 2022.

The delegation from Serbia consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Economy, the Accreditation Body of Serbia, the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications.

Representatives of institutions from Serbia were able to visit the European Commission (DG GROW) as well as other organizations such as CEN/CENELEC, Association ''Small Business Standards''.

You can view it in detail: HERE►


Your ATS


EA Communications and Publications Committee (CPC) held in Rome

EA Communications and Publications Committee (CPC) held in Rome

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesPromotion

Summarizing impressions from the 42nd EA of the Committee for Communications and Publications (CPC) of the European co-operation for accreditation (EA), which was attended by representatives of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), held on October 12th and 13th in Rome (Italy), which is also the first ''face to face'' meeting in the previous three years.

Many topics were discussed and activities were carried out, including new projects and digital materials, social media experiences, and other communication tools.

Through the implementation of interesting workshops and presentations, EA CPC members significantly contributed to the promotion of EA activities as well as the promotion of the value of accreditation at the national and international levels.

You can view it in detail: HERE►


Your ATS


The status of ATS as a signatory of the EA MLA was confirmed and a decision was made to extend the EA MLA to PT providers

The status of ATS as a signatory of the EA MLA was confirmed and a decision was made to extend the EA MLA to PT providers

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperationInternational activities

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) in the period from November 15th to 24th, 2021 was the subject of a new peer evaluation by the evaluation team of the European co-operation for accreditation in accordance with the procedure, EA-2/02 M: 2011 EA Policy and Procedures for the Multilateral Agreement (Annex 9).

The EA MAC Council has issued a decision confirming that ATS remains a signatory to the EA MLA in the field of calibration, and testing, including medical testing, inspection, certification of management systems, certification of products, processes, and services, and certification of persons.

Also, the EA MAC confirmed that ATS is compliant with all relevant requirements in the field of PT providers so that ATS can boast of extending its scope of activity, given that the decision was made to extend the EA MLA agreement to PT providers.

Detailed news you can read HERE►


Your ATS

47th EA MAC held in Torino

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperationInternational activities

The EA Multilateral Agreement (EA MAC) Council has just held its 47th meeting on 4-5th October 2022. 62 participants attended the EA MAC meeting, including one EA Advisory Board representative and members from 34 National Accreditation Bodies (NABs). On behalf of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), MSc Dragan Pušara was present as the ATS Acting Director. 

At the MAC meeting, decisions were made on the statuses of EA MLA agreements of individual EA members, participants were introduced to new EA documents, and changes in individual NABs were officially confirmed. One of the changes that was confirmed was the change of leadership in ATS through a positive evaluation of the competencies of the new director, MSc Dragan Pušara.

Detailed news you can read: HERE►


Your ATS

Introducing CAF model in ATS

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

Following modern business trends, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) in cooperation witht the Ministry of public administration and local self-government within the framework of the European Union (EU) project for public administration reform – EU4PAR, has started activites to introduce quality management through the Common Assessment Framework  CAF). 

CAF is a quality management tool, established by the EU member states, which is used jointly by managers and employees in the form of self-assessment and thus analyze and recognize their strengths and potential for improvement.

Detailed news you can read: HERE►


Your ATS

New framework for accreditation of certification bodies in organic production

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

On the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), a meeting was held on September 12th, 2022 of representatives of ATS, the Ministry of Agriculture and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) with the aim of establishing renewed cooperation in the field of organic within the framework of implementation PSD (Private Sector Development in Serbia) project.

During the meeting, a project was presented, i.e. a component related to the segment of quality infrastructure in organic agriculture, i.e. accreditation of certification bodies for the certification of organic products (inspection bodies) in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 848/2018 (EU Regulation on organic production and labeling of organic products), which entered into force on January 1st, 2022.

Detailed news you can read: HERE►


Your ATS

ATS issued the first scope of accreditation in the field of point-of-care testing (POCT)

GeneralNoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

On July 20th, 2022 the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made a decision to extend the scope of accreditation of the accredited conformity assessment body University Clinical Center, Center for Medical Bicohemistry (accreditation number: 03-001) for the point-of-care testing (POCT) according to the standard SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870.

On this occasion, this CAB was issed a new scope of accreditation on August 1st, 2022, in the premises of ATS by MSc Dragan Pušara, ATS Acting Director, he ceremoniously handed over the certificate to prim. Sanja Stanković, PhD, director of the Center for Medical Biochemistry of the Clinical Center of Serbia.

You can read detailed news: HERE►


Your ATS

Celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation Day

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) on 28th June, 2022 in ‘’mts Dvorana’’, Belgrade organized a celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, when the first certificate of accreditation was issued 22 years ago. 

This was also an opportunity to mark and celebrate WAD, which is globally celebrated on June 9th, a date jointly established by ILAS (International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).

The ceremony in ‘’mts Dvorana’’ was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of state institutions and universities, distinguished guests from the region, members of ATS organs and bodies, assessors, experts as well as decision-making experts. 

ATS employees

Detailed news about Accreditation Day in Serbia read: HERE►

Sincerely, Your ATS

Congratulations on June 9th the World Accreditation Day

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesAccreditation DayPromotion

The Accreditation Body of Serbia congratulates all its associates, assessors and accredited conformity assessment bodies, friends and employees World Accreditation Day, which is celebrated every year on June 9th by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

World Accreditation Day is celebrated with the aim of raising awarness of the importance and significance of accreditation, as well as promotiong the value of accreditation. This year’s WAD theme is ‘’Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment’’ and aims to highlight how accreditation and conformity assessment provide global solutions to issues of general importance, such as sustainability in economic growth and environment protection.

You can read detailed text: HERE►


Your ATS


Notification about repetition of training related to the amended form of the List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notification to all accredited conformity assessment bodies and CABs that are in the process of accreditation on the repetition of training related to the amended form of the List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) informs all interested accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation that on June 14th, 2022 starting at 10.00, repeat the training related to the amended form of the List of finding (ATS-PR12-O03).

The training will be conducted remotely, via the Cisco Webex Meetings application (for more information on Cisco Webex Meetings you can visit the page HERE► 

The repeated training was organized taking into account the expressed need of CABs that were not able to attend the previous training, with the invitation for training in the new term being sent to all accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation and attendance at the training will be available to all who are interested, regardless of whether they have attended previous training.

Invitation e-mail with a link to access the traning will be sent to the e-mail address of the person contacting ATS (same e-mail address to which the training notice is sent) the day before the training (June 13th, 2022) by 10 am.

For all possible questions regarding the training, we are at your disposal via e-mail:


Your ATS

Celebration of the World Accreditation Day and the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia on 28th June, 2022

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

On Tuesday, June 28th, 2022, in the hall on the ground floor of the building ''mts Dvorana“, 14 Dečanska Street, 11 000 Belgrade starting at 10 am the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) together with its clients, assessors, experts, representatives of state institutions and other associates will celebrate the World Accreditation Day as well as the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, which marks the day when the ATS issued the first certificate of accreditation in 2000. 

Check-in will be possible from 9am on the counter in front of the hall ’’mts Dvorana“. 
Invited participants can register earlier via the following link: HERE►
The agend of the meeting will be highligthed in a timely manner and available for download via the ATS website: HERE►
In case of questions and doubts, you can contact us by e-mail:  or phone number: 011/ 313 03 77.

51st EA General Assembly held

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities

The 51st session of the EA General Assembly was held from 18th to 19th May 2022, bringing together about 90 participants from 48 national accreditation bodies, as well as representatives of the European Committee, EFTA, 14 recognized stakeholders and the EA Council.


The session was held ‘’remotely’’, and we signle out the following decisions: HERE►

Yours ATS

World Accreditation Day #WAD2022

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

World Accreditation Day is marked on June 9th, 2022 as a global initiative jointly established by International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation.

This year’s WAD theme is: ‘’Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment’’ and aims to draw attention to how accreditation and conformity assessment provide global solutions to issues of general importance. 

The IAF and ILAC will hold a virtual event to celebrate WAD on June 9th, 2022 in two different terms, 8:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC, so that participants from different time zones can join.

A joint statement issed by the IAF and ILAC Chairs emphasizes the importance of accreditation in supporting the implementation of SDGs and is available via the link: HERE►, while the published promotional material on WAD can be viewed at the following link: HERE►

Detailed text read: HERE►



Your ATS

New edition of Guidances ATS-UP01 and ATS-UP02

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

New editions of documents ATS-UP01 List of documents containing requirements to be met by applicants for accreditation and accredited bodies and ATS-UP02 Guidelines for formulating the scope of accreditation of the CABs 

The Accreditation Body of Serbia published updated editions of guidances, as follows: Akreditaciono telo Srbije objavljuje ažurirana izdanja uputstava i to: List of documents containing requirements to be met by applicants for accreditation and accredited bodies, ATS-UP01, issue 9/1 and Guidelines for formulating the scope of accreditation of the CABs, ATS-UP02, issue 2/1. The application of the new editions of the guidances begins on the day of publication.

The above-mentioned guidances ATS-UP01 and ATS-Up02 can be downloaded form the ATS website: HERE►

Yours ATS

ATS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ESYD 

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

A bilateral meeting between ATS and the Accreditation Body of the Hellenic Republic (ESYD) was held in Belgrade on May 20th, 2022 on the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS).

On behalf of ATS, Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis, Chairman of ESYD, was hosted by Prof. Aco Janjićijević, PhD, Acting Director of ATS, with his associates.

During the bilateral meeting of Prof. Aco Janjićijević, PhD introduced Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis with the work, activities and future plans of ATS. Representative of accreditation bodies were reminded of their successful cooperation that they have nurtured in previous years, participating in the work of international accreditation organizations EA, IAF and ILAC, as well as participation in international projects. 


                            Prof.  Aco Janjićijević, Acting Director of ATS with Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis, Chairman of ESYD


The full text can be read: HERE►

Your ATS

Invitation to submit a proposal of a candidate for a member of the Accreditation Council

NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

Accredited conformity assessment bodies
             -invitation via the ATS site -

Subject: Invitation to submit a proposal of a candidate for a member of the Accreditation Council

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Law on Accreditation (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 73/2010, 47/2021), the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) establishes the Accreditation Council as an advisory body on issues in the field of accreditation. Prominent experts and scientists in the fields that are important for the performance of tasks within the competence of ATS are elected as members of the Council, as representatives of stakeholders.

The Accreditation Council performs the following tasks: gives opinion regarding the development of the accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia; gives opinions on accreditation rules; gives initiatives for extending the scope of ATS, i.e. establishing new accreditation schemes; gives an opinion on the application of the requirements of accreditation standards in certain fields; propose the establishment of permanent or temporary technical committees as expert bodies for certain fields of accreditation and identifies the parties that should participate in them; proposes members of technical and sectoral committees; adopts rules and criteria for the notification and work of technical committees; determines the responsibilities of technical committees; establishes criteria for assessors; gives opinions on the issue of protection of impartiality of ATS work; gives opinions on other professional issues, at the request of the Management Board. 

Detailed text read: HERE►

Yours ATS

Notification on the amendments of the requirements for accreditation in the field of pressure equipment

NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

In accordance with the Rules of Accreditation, we inform all stakeholders and accredited conformity assessment bodies (CABs) that there has been an amendment in the accreditation requirements in the field of conformity assessment of pressure equipment. 

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Law on technical requirements for products and conformity assessment (‘’Official Gazette of the RS’’, No. 49/21), the minister of Mining and Energy passed the following:

  1. Rulebook on pressure equipment,
  2. Rulebook on simple pressure vessels,
  3. Rulebook on inspections of pressure equipment during the lifetime and
  4. Rulebook on the criteria regarding the number and professional qualifications of employees that shall be met by users and designated bodies in the field of pressure equipment. 

The Rulebooks were published in the Official Gazette of the RS No. 114 from November 30th, 2021.

The Rulebooks shall apply from 1st January, 2023, except for the Rulebook on simple pressure vessels, which shall apply from 1st July, 2023.

For more information click: HERE►

Yours ATS

Amendments of the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsAnnouncement of events

Notification to all accredited conformity assessment bodies and conformity assessment bodies that are in the process of accreditation on amendments of the List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

The Accreditation Body of Serbia informs accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation that the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03) has been amended in such a way that the CAB is now explicitly required to submit, in addition to analysis of cause, also analysis of extent of identified nonconformities/concerns which is a requirement of the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17011:2018 which provides general requirements for accreditation bodies that accredit CABs.

For more information click here

Yours ATS

Extension of the scope of ATS to the accreditation of medical laobratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 (Point-of-care testing - POCT)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsLaws and regulations

In accordance with the Rules of Accreditation and its procedures, ATS has expanded the scope of its activity to the accreditation of medical laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 (point-of-care testing -POCT).

For the purposes of accreditation in this field of conformity assessment, the Guidance UP 51 Guidance for the assessment of laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 point-of-care testing (POCT).

For the needs of accreditation of medical laboratories for point-of-care testing (POCT), the development, amendment of the accomopanying forms was performed, namely:

  - Application for accreditation in which the Annex D.3.2 for accreditation of POCT is defined (SRPS EN ISO 22870)
  - Check list for the assessment of medical laboratories against requirements of standard SRPS EN ISO 22870:2017 (appendix to           the Check list for the assessment of medical laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189:2014)

Also, the new edition of ATS-UP02 Guides for Formulating the Scope of Accreditation of the CAB, Annex 3 defines presentation of the Scope of accreditation of medical laboratories that perform point-of-care testing (POCT) against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22780.

All these documents are available on the ATS website.

By publishing these documents, ATS is ready to accept and apply for accreditation/extension of the scope of accreditation of medical laboratories according to SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 point-of-care testing (POCT).


Yours ATS


New edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notice: New edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts

The Accreditation Body of Serbia is publishing a new edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts. 

The beginning of the application of the new edition of the form is from 01.11.2021 

Candidates for assessors and technical experts can apply by submitting a completed Application for assessors and technical experts and submitting them in electronic form to the address:, together with the documentation listed in Part B of the Application for assessors and technical experts "Mandatory documentation required should be submitted with the application’’. 
" The specified form ATS-PR02-O01, you can download on the ATS website: HERE►


 Your ATS

New issue of Application for accreditation and Accreditation Contract 

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notification: New issue of Application for accreditation and Accreditation Contract 

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes new issues of the forms, as follows: Application for accreditation, sixth edition and Accreditation Contract, fourth edition. 
The beginning of the application of these new editions of the forms is from 01.11.2021. 

The amendment of the Accreditation Application and the Accreditation Contract is a consequence of the harmonization with the new, thirteenth edition of the Rules of Accreditation, the beginning of the application of which is also from November 1, 2021, as well as with the Law on Accreditation ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 73/2010 and 47/2021).

The listed forms ATS-PR11-O01 and ATS-PR11-O07, can be downloaded from ATS website: HERE►

Sincerely, Your ATS