

New ATS Acting Director appointed


Milica Lukešević was appointed as ATS Acting Director by means of Decision of the Serbian Government 24 No. 119-7936/2014 of 18th July 2014.          

Public Invitation to new Sectoral Committee members to Apply


Given the need to increase the number of members of certain Sectoral Committees for the purpose of accreditation decision-making, the Accreditation Body of Serbia posted another PUBLIC INVITATION for canididates to apply in order to be appointed as t...

Guide to Certification of Agricultural Production drafted


The “Guide to the Certification of Agricultural Production and Food Industry” was drafted as part of the "Technical assistance project for the implementation of GlobalG.AP and other voluntary standards” project activities resulting from the Swiss Coope...

Seminar on Uncertainty of Measurement


The Society of Metrologists is organising on 7th May 2014 the Seminar on Uncertainty of Measurement that will take place in Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73. Seminar programme provides that the seminar will last fro...

Proposal for the Regulation on Portable Pressure Vessels


We hereby inform interested conformity assessment bodies (CABs) that the proposal for the Regulation on Portable Pressure Vessels was posted on the internet portal of the Directorate for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods ( on 20th N...

Joint IAF-ILAC-ISO Communiqué


A communiqué clarifying the relationship between ISO 9001 and the management systems requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 has been agreed between ILAC, IAF and ISO.  The IAF- ILAC - ISO communiqué on ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation was issued in response to a req...

List of designated inspection bodies for 2013


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management has published a List of designated inspection bodies exercising the control and certification of organic production in 2013 (published in the "Official Gazette of RS", No. 36/13 of 19th April 2013)...

NAWI Regulation published


The Regulation on Non-automatic Weighing Instruments was published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 17/13 of 21st February 2013, whereas it shall enter into force on 1st March 2013. This Regulation is a transposed Directive 2...