About Us

Quality Policy
The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), as an important institution of the quality infrastructure system in the Republic of Serbia, by assessing the competence of conformity assessment bodies contributes to ensuring the quality and safety of products and services in our country and abroad.
ATS has harmonized its work and its management system with the requirements of the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17011:2018 Conformity assessment – Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies, especially taking into account the postulates of independence and impartiality in its own work, as well as meeting the requirements for competence and consistent work in the assessment and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies.
ATS conducts all its activities in accordance with the requirements of the mentioned standard and the rules and documents of European and international accreditation organizations (EA, ILAC and IAF). The ATS applies the concept of risk and opportunity management, in such a way that all activities are carried out smoothly, independently, impartially and competently by all participants in the accreditation process, in consultation with relevant interested parties, on issues affecting impartiality, including openness and perception of the public.
The goals of ATS are to maintain an established and efficient management system that meets both the needs of ATS and the needs of all interested parties involved in the development of the accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia; maintenance of signed multilateral agreements, within EA, ILAC and IAF as well as their extension to new schemes/types of accreditation; improvement of the accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia.
Full cooperation of all interested parties, subordination with public authorities, cooperation with accreditation bodies of other countries, work on raising awareness of the importance of accreditation, as well as permanent review of the ATS work and continuous improvement of accreditation system, are indicators of ATS Quality Manual implementation and success will be assessed by those who use our services.