
16th meeting of the Laboratory Committee (EA LC)

International activities

30th September 2008 - 16th meeting of the Laboratory Committee (EA LC) of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA) was held in Denmark in the period between 18th and 19th September 2008  and organised by the Danish Accreditation and Metrology Fund (DANAK).

Apart from usual topics discussed at every meeting such as: experiences in implementation of flexible accreditation scope, inter-laboratory comparisons in the field of testing and calibration, discussions as regards the accreditation of medical laboratories, some new topics were discussed as well.

The results were analysed at the meeting and appropriate conclusions were made as regards accreditation of computer methods within the accreditation of testing laboratories. The activity was realised by the Czech Accreditation Institute (CAI) and they will be available to all accreditation bodies on the EA intranet.

The implementation of the provisions of the CEN/TS 15675:2007 document pertaining to the quality of air, i.e. measurement of stationary sources of emission in case of accreditation of laboratories in that area after 31.10.2009.

Experiences of some accreditation bodies were presented such as to tackle the method of determination of accreditation scope, content of normative documents and transparency in identifying the said document in accreditation documents.
A part of the meeting was organised in the form of Working Groups that had been formed at the last meeting to cover the following areas: environmental testing (water, air, soil), calibration, mechanical, electrical testing and toy testing; food testing; forensic testing; regulation of the European Union and its effects on the accreditation of testing laboratories. Each of the Working Groups presented their plan for the forthcoming period and a set of activities to be undertaken with the aim of harmonising assessment methods in the said areas and rectifying some of the identified problems.

Furthermore, the results of the work with some of the stakeholders of the EA Laboratory Committee were presented and they are as follows: EUROLAB, EUROMET, EUROCHEM, EPPO and the new organisation called EGOLF -European Group of Organisations for fire testing, inspection and certification.
Natalija Jovičić Zarić attended the EA LC meeting as the ATS representative in the EA LC.