Technical Assistance Project in Serbia
CooperationOn Wedsnesday, 12th November, at the ATS premises, a meeting was held with Bojan Pečevar, key expert in the field of conformity assessment and accreditation and Project Team Leader of the EC funded Project “Technical Assistance to Key Institutions and Bodies in the Field of Standardisation, Accreditation, Metrology and Conformity Assessment in Serbia”.
The meeting was held with the aim of defining the programme of accreditation-related activities to be implemented within this project.
These activities include the following:
- follow-up activities for the forthcoming peer assessment within the EA MLA,
- awareness raising and promotion of accreditation through organisation of relevant scientific conferences and adequate information for the public by using diversity of channels of communication
- assistance in identifying and implementing relevant inter-laboratory comparisons and proficiency testing schemes
- “hands-on” training for the ATS staff.
Dr Dejan Krnjaić, and Vida Živković, MSc, ATS Director and his Deputy, and Bojan Pečevar, Project Team Leader and key expert in the field of conformity assessment and accreditation, participated in the meeting on behalf of the Accreditation Board.
Bojan Pečevar, Vida Živković, MSc, and Dr Dejan Krnjaić
Bojan Pečevar
Dr Dejan Krnjaić and Vida Živković, MSc