
Memorandum of Cooperation between DMDM and ATS

On 14th May 2010 the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals (DMDM) and Accreditation Board of Serbia (ATS) signed the Memorandum of Cooperation whereby their coordinated activities would be defined so as to ensure reliability and comparability of the measurement results, i.e. results of conformity assessment ...

for all the clients in the Republic of Serbia. The aim thereof would be to resolve issues of joint interest in the field of metrology and accreditation.

The signatories to this Memorandum undertook to cooperate in the field of metrology and accreditation activities of joint interest, adopt and apply joint cooperation policy, promote it and present it to all interested parties, observe the role of metrology and accreditation when drafting relevant regulations, and to make joint efforts to upgrade metrology infrastructure and establishing a network of accredited calibration laboratories.

The cooperation shall include the following: upgrade of the system of inter-laboratory comparisons in the field of calibration and testing, upgrade of comparability of calibration and test results, whereas special attention will be paid to the concept of traceability of measurement, upgrade of competence of the ATS assessors, and permanent upgrade of their knowledge of metrology and accreditation.

The signatories to the Memorandum will inform each other about policies and activities of metrology organisations such as BIPM, OIML, WELMEC and EURAMET, and about organisations for accreditation such as IAF, ILAC and EA, and promote the policies they adopted, whereas they will inform other interested parties thereof.

Vida Živković MSc, DMDM Director, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on behalf of the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals while Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director, signed the Memorandum on behalf of the Accreditation Board of Serbia. 

Dejan Krnjaić PhD and Vida Živković MSc