ATS Director Appointment Vacancy
CompetitionsThe Management Board of the Accreditation Body of Serbia made, at its fifth meeting of 6th December 2011, the Decision on Advertising a Public Vacancy for the Appointment of the Director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia.
With this end in view, the
for the appointment of the Director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia
1. Requirements: university degree; citizenship of the Republic of Serbia; ten years of experience; three years of experience in accreditation-related activities; three years of experience in managerial activities; English language proficiency; computer literacy and knowledge of common IT programmes; not sentenced on the grounds of binding sentencing terms in case of a criminal offence requiring at least a six month sentence.
2. Deadline for the submission of applications is 15 days following its publication in the daily newspaper “Politika”.
3. The application shall contain the following data: name and surname of the candidate, date and place of birth, address, data on education, type and years of experience with short descriptions of positions held by the candidate prior to the application submission and responsibilities related thereto, data on professional development, and special skills and fields of knowledge.
4. Documents to accompany the application: certified copy of the university diploma; citizenship certificate; work experience record (at least 10 years of experience, 3 years of experience in accreditation related activities and 3 years of experience in managerial activities); copies of foreign language proficiency certificates and certificate confirming that a candidate was not sentenced on the grounds of binding sentencing terms in case of a criminal offence requiring at least a six month sentence (it shall not be older than six months).
5. Appointments Committee shall, within 8 days from the expiry of the deadline for the submission of applications, review the completeness of applications and prepare the list of ranked candidates fulfilling the defined requirements and invite them for an interview. Appointments Committee will check if the candidates are familiar with the scope of the ATS activities and if they possess communication skills – by gaining an insight into the data from the application and by interviewing the candidates.
6. The appointment shall be for five years.
7. Sealed applications shall be sent to the following address: Accreditation Body of Serbia, 2 Mihailo Pupin Boulevard and they shall bear the mark “for the vacancy“.
8. Person providing vacancy information: Biljana Tomić, Head of the Department for Legal and General Affairs, Phone 011/3130-378.
9. Untimely or incomplete applications, and those sent by e-mail shall not be taken into consideration.
10. This public vacancy shall be advertised in the daily newspaper Politika on 15th January 2012 and on the internet site of the Accreditation Body of Serbia at