25th EA CPC meeting was held
International activitiesThe Accreditation Body of Serbia hosted another committee meeting of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). This time it was the 25th meeting of the Communications and Publications Committee (CPC) was held in the period between 5th and 6th March 2014. The meeting gathered 22 AB participants from entire Europe.
The participants were welcomed by Jasna Stojanović, ATS Acting Director, when she emphasised the importance of exchange of experiences between the CPC members that are related to everyday work of AB employees.
This was the first CPC meeting chaired by Peter Kronvall from SWEDAC that succeeded Vagn Andersen from DANAK, the Danish NAB who will continue to participate in CPC meetings given that his EA Executive Committee experience is priceless. At the Belgrade meeting, Knut-Thomas Sjolie from NA, Norwegian Accreditation, was elected the new CPC Vice-Chair. He is succeeding Jon Murthy, his British colleague, who was successfully reappointed.
The meeting delegates came to conclusions related to the design of the new EA logo the technical specification of which was defined so that the new logo could be produced. In addition to the appearance and content of the EA internet page, other possibilities as regards further upgrade and update thereof were discussed. Moreover, novelties pertaining to the operation of another two international, from our perspective the most important, organisations for accreditation (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, ILAC, and International Accreditation Forum, IAF) were presented.
The next CPC meeting will be hosted by the Turkish NAB (TURKAK) in September 2014.
Katarina Bogojević attended the meeting on behalf of ATS.
For more information, please visit http://www.european-accreditation.org/information/peter-kronvallfrom-swedac-the-swedish-nab-chaired-his-first-ea-cpc-meeting.
CPC meeting delegates