
Training in Laboratory Proficiency Testing

International activities

7th July 2008 - Within the CARDS 2006, Regional Quality Infrastructure Project, the final phase of the training in laboratory proficiency testing (PT) was held in Ljubljana, the Republic of Slovenia, in the period between 24th and 27th June 2008.


The coordinator of the activities and training delivery was the Metrology and Quality Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, which is at the same time acting as a advisory body within the Project. The following countries sent the representatives from their accreditation bodies and laboratories participating in the project: Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia.

The Project covered the total of 8 PT schemes that were realised by the selected pilot laboratories.

The final part of the training covered a detailed analysis of achieved PT scheme results with special emphasis on the principles of inter-laboratory comparisons, organisation of PT schemes, result interpretation methods that were used.

In the end it was concluded that the results were satisfactory in most of the cases, but those laboratories with unsatisfactory results for certain testing/calibration parameters would undertake appropriate measures to remove the cause of poor results.

The experience gained by participating in these PT schemes will prove invaluable for all accredited laboratories, and for others that are in the process of accreditation or for those that started the preparations.

The accreditation bodies of the countries that participated in the training were presented during the training session. Natalija Jovičić Zarić, MSc, Head of the Laboratory Section, spoke about the Accreditation Board of Serbia and accreditation activities carried out so far, number of accredited establishments, use of inter-laboratory testing results and PT schemes in assessment procedure. Additionally, another two participants took part in the training: Milica Jovčić, MSc, and Dušanka Santovac.
List of PT schemes within the Project CARDS 2006 and participants:

Training participants from Serbia with the Project Team Leader, David Norris, and one of the lecturers, prof.dr Igor Pušnik, Ljubljana, 24th-27th June 2008
Training participants, Ljubljana, 24th-27th June 2008