
Accreditation Council Appointed

Current events

16th meeting of the Management Board of the Accreditation Board of Serbia was held at the premises of the Accreditation Board on 25th December 2008. Pursuant to the Act on Establishment of the Accreditation Board of Serbia, the Management Board appointed the Accreditation Council.

Slavica Popović, Head of the Quality Centre within the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, was appointed as Chairperson of the Council and the following persons were appointed as members of the Council: Veljko Malbaša, PhD, Head of the Department for Energetics, Electronics and Telecommunications in Novi Sad, Vojislav Božanić, PhD, docent at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, Department for Quality Management, Predrag Popović, PhD, Head of the Certification Office of the Vinča Institute, and Prof. Dr Milan Baltić, Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Furthermore, the Management Board delegated a task to the Accreditation Board of Serbia to start a EA MLA membership procedure and sign the said agreement, and to apply for the membership in the international organisations for accreditation, IAF and ILAC, under the obligations from the international agreements.