
New accreditations in August 2009

Current events

On 14th August 2009 the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for two calibration laboratories and one certification body certifying products. A series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, extension to scope, and on accreditation scope reduction were made, as well as decisions on accreditation renewal and one decision on accreditation suspension.

Accreditations were granted to the following calibration laboratories:
- SARTOLAB DOO (limited-liability company) Belgrade, Scales calibration laboratory, and
- MIN INSPEKT, Metrology laboratory, Niš

and to a certification body certifying products
Centralna putna laboratorija d.o.o. (limited-liability company) Veternik.

Akcionarsko društvo zaštita na radu i zaštita životne sredine “Beograd” (Joint-stock company Occupational and Environmental Safety) renewed its accreditation for product certification activities, and a decision on the transition to SRPS ISO/IEC 17021:2007 was made for EVROCERT doo (limited-liability company) Company, Certification and Surveillance, Belgrade.

A decision on accreditation suspension in full as regards the area of testing activities for the period of six months for MEDICAL System d.o.o. (limited-liability company), Sector for Laboratories, Zemun.