
New accreditations granted in May 2010

Current events

On 5th May 2010, the Accreditation Board of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for one testing laboratory, two calibration laboratories, one medical laboratory, one inspection body and one certification body certifying management systems, and a series of decisions were made on accreditation maintenance, ...

accreditation renewal, extension and reduction of the scope of accreditation, and a decision on accreditation cancellation at the CAB request.
Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratory:

JKP VODOVOD I KANALIZACIJA (PUC WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE) Kragujevac, Sector for Sanitary Control of Water.

to the following calibration laboratories:

PROMEDIA DOO KIKINDA, Ogranak poslovni centar-laboratorija za etaloniranje (calibration laboratory) METROCERT, and

ELAB, Laboratorija za etaloniranje (calibration laboratory), Belgrade;

to the following medical laboratory:

Zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku „BIOMEDICA“ (Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics), Belgrade.

to the following inspection body:

JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” (PUC WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE), Kragujevac;
and to the following certification body certifying management systems:

Privredno društvo za sertifikaciju i nadzor menadžment sistema GLOBALSERT d.o.o. (limited liability company), Belgrade.

A decision to cancel accreditation at the CAB request was made in case of the following inspection body:

DELTA INŽENjERING D.O.O. (limited liability company), Belgrade.