
EFCC has been granted recognised stakeholder status in EA

International activities

As a result of ongoing strong collaboration between the European cooperation for Accreditation (EA) and the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC), EFCC has been admitted to Recognised Stakeholder Status in EA on 13th December 2010.

In the Recognised Stakeholder Agreement, signed by EA Chairman Graham Talbot and EFCC President Andrea Rita Horvath, both parties agreed to cooperate with the intention to further high standards in medical laboratory practice by stimulating accreditation in Europe.

Due to the Agreement, representatives of EFCC will be entitled to formally participate in the work of technical committees, working groups and task forces of EA and will be informed and consulted about relevant policy and technical documents to provide inputs and comments representing the views of the medical laboratory profession. EA and EFCC may arrange joint
cultural/educational initiatives, such as conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses for the dissemination of activities related to accreditation.

EFCC delegated Wim Huisman, chairman of EFCC’s Working Group on Accreditation and ISO/CEN Standards, and Simone Zerah, Chair of EFCC’s Profession Committee, as official representatives in EA. Both EFCC officers have been having long professional relationships with EA and their valuable contribution over the years has resulted in this international recognition.

The “European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine” represents and connects European National Societies of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and creates a platform for all specialists working in the field of Laboratory Medicine in Europe. The mission of EFCC is to enhance patient care and to improve outcomes by promoting and improving the scientific, professional, educational and clinical aspects of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine in Europe and to ensure effective representation of laboratory medicine both at European Union level, to other pan-European and sub-regional bodies and internationally.

Further information about EFCC can be found at