CB Training in GLOBALG.A.P. standard and GI
Current eventsFirst training for interested certification bodies was organised as part of the Swiss-Serbian TCP 2009-2012 in the field of establishment of GLOBALG.A.P. standard and GI (geographical indications). The training was held at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade, in the period between 15th and 6th September 2011, while the second one was held in the period between 8th and 9th November.
When it comes to topics, the training had two different parts. Experts from the Accreditation Body of Serbia presented, during the first part of the training, similarities and difference between SRPS EN 45011 (General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems) and SRPS ISO/IEC 17020 (General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection), and necessary procedures used in case of accreditation in line with the said standards. Second part of the training included examples related to certification of GI products from Switzerland, as well as discussions about potential solutions for the establishment of the future GI product certification system in Serbia. The first example of possible GI product certification was cabbage from Futog – a GI product registered in Serbia.
The training was attended by representatives from 9 certification bodies: Organic Control System, Subotica; Jugoinspekt Belgrade, JUQS Belgrade, SGS Belgrade, Ecocert Balkans, Bioagricert Serbia, Standcert Belgrade and Evrocert Belgrade. There were a total of 18 training delegates. The lectures were given by Dominique Barjolle and Corinne Couilerot from REDD company (that is implementing the project), and by Ljubica Živanić from the Accreditation Body of Serbia.
Second training was delivered in the period between 8th and 9th November 2011 at the Palace of Serbia when representatives of interested certification bodies were introduced to certification of GI products (Control plan), experiences of Futoški kupus Association, and to details on GLOBALG.A.P. and process of certification thereof (from a point of view of a certification body).
The lectures were given by Dominique Barjolle (REDD) and Dario Salvatore Caccamisi (independent consultant) from Italy, while Tamara Živadinović (Mena) acted as a moderator. The training was attended by 14 representatives from 7 certification bodies: Organic Control System, Subotica; Jugoinspekt Belgrade, JUQS Belgrade, Bioagricert Serbia, Standcert Belgrade and Evrocert Belgrade.
Tamara Živadinović and Dominique Barjolle (REDD)
Branislav Raketić, Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management