
A GI training was delivered to certification bodies


On 18th and 19th April 2012, a GI training was delivered to certification bodies as part of the Swiss-Serbian Trade Cooperation Programme in order to build capacities of the GI product certification system.

During day 1 experts from Switzerland presented the documentation needed for GI certification in case of Futog cabbage. Aleksandra Novaković, Food Technology Institute Novi Sad (FINS), presented sensory testing and sensory evaluation methodology in case of Futog cabbage. During day 2 the delegates were able to visit the Futog cabbage production and processing site.

The training was attended by 11 delegates from 5 certification bodies: Evrocert, Organic Control System, Bioagricert, SGS and Centar za ispitivanje namirnica (Food Testing Centre). The training was also attended by the representatives of the Association of Producers and Processors of Futog Cabbage and Futog Pickled Cabbage “Futog Cabbage”, Goran Puača and Miroljub Janković.

The lecturers were as follows: Dominique Barjolle (REDD), Bojana Mihovski (REDD), Tamara Živadinović (Mena Group) and Aleksandra Novaković (FINS).