Students of the Faculty of Agriculture visited the Accreditation Body of Serbia
Current eventsOn Tuesday, 13th November 2012, the Accreditation Body of Serbia organised a lecture on the subject of accreditation in the field of food safety. The lectures were given by Jasna Stojanović, ATS Acting Director, and Ljiljana Markićević, Head of the Laboratory Department.
The lecture was intended for the fourth year students of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade (module: food production safety and quality management).
The lecture aimed at introducing the generation of future experts to the accreditation process, the importance thereof and of accreditation bodies, and to standards and principles implemented in the field of food safety.
The first lecture was given by Jasna Stojanović who first introduced the students to the accreditation procedure and explained in detail each step thereof. The role of ATS and its status in international organisations for the accreditation was explained later during the lecture. While explaining the ATS status and role, Jasna Stojanović highlighted an extremely important fact relating to the need of ATS to be an impartial and independent institution that should be subjected to evaluation by international and regional organisations for accreditation (peer evaluation).
Lecture atmosphere
The second lecture was given by Ljiljana Markicević and it was on the principles and standards applied in the country and abroad in the field of food safety. A discussion with students was organised after the lecture.
ATS will, in order to promote the importance of the accreditation, be pleased to organise lectures for students from other faculties, as it has already done so far on a regular basis.