
Training in the new regulations governing pressure vessels


Training in the requirements of Directive 97/23/EC (Pressure Equipment Directive), i.e. requirements for notified conformity assessment bodies according to this directive was delivered as part of the bilateral PTB project entitled “Support of the Quality Infrastructure in Serbia”.

The training was delivered by Johann Dietrich, graduate engineer and expert from Germany and DAKKS assessor employed by the Central Authority of the German Federal States for Safety.

The first part of the training was held in the period between 1st and 4th October 2012 and included lectures and exchange of experience in requirements and implementation of the said Directive. The training was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection, and ATS assessors, technical experts and employees.

An initial assessment of a certification body operating certification of products that applied to ATS for the accreditation was carried out on the last day of the expert’s mission. The ATS team member was the German expert, while the assessment was attended by the ATS assessors as observers. This is a standard ATS assessor training procedure.

Johann Dietrich

The second part of the training that was intended for the ATS assessors and technical experts was delivered in the period between 31st October and 2nd November 2012. It included the interpretation of the requirements of Directive 97/23/EC and assessment methods in keeping with the modules of the said Directive. The second day of the training was intended for conformity assessment bodies seeking for accreditation according to the national regulations governing pressure equipment. The third day was used to consult with the expert about the content of documents used for carrying out assessments in this field.