Meeting with potential PT providers
NoticesThe Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) took more intensive participation a year ago in the extension of the scope of its activities related to the accreditation of PT providers as per SRPS ISO/IEC 17043:2011. In the meantime, at the end of 2012, accreditation of PT providers was incorporated into the EA MLA by means of the EA General Assembly decision. Therefore, a series of activities were carried out: drafting of the management system documents, training of the assessors, acquiring practical experience by assessing other accreditation bodies (Accreditation Body of Greece, ESYD).
The first meeting with the PT provider candidates to be granted accreditation was held at the ATS premises on 28.02.2013. The meeting was attended by more than 20 representatives of the organisations interested in accreditation in this field (both in testing and calibration), and by ATS representatives in charge of the implementation of the project for the extension of the scope of activities for this scheme of accreditation.
The present participants were informed about the activities that had been carried out by ATS in the previous period, when a short overview of the planned assessment procedure was presented and it was confirmed that application for accreditation would be made publicly available by 1st April 2013 at the latest when the application process would officially start. Furthermore, some of the dilemmas related to the said activities were clarified, and those also included the requirements of SRPS ISO/IEC 17043:2011.