Information about the application of the Regulation on Noise Emission
NoticesApplication of the Regulation on Noise Emission by Equipment for Use Outdoors (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 1/13) (hereinafter referred to as: Regulation) started on 1st July 2015 and a notice thereof was posted on
The notice stated that conformity assessment bodies accredited to perform testing of noise in keeping with SRPS EN ISO 3744:2008 can, prior to being designated to perform the conformity assessment activities referred to in Article 11 of the Regulation, issue certificates of conformity to local producers or, when applicable, to representatives of foreign producers as stipulated in Annexes 6, 7 or 8 of the Regulation and under conditions presented in the notice.
The Accreditation Body of Serbia hereby informs all interested conformity assessment bodies (CABs) that it will, as of 1st October 2015, receive CABs’ applications for accreditation that will allow them to perform conformity assessment activities in keeping with Article 11 of the Regulation (Annexes 6, 7 or 8 of the Regulation).
CABs can be granted accreditation for the said conformity assessment activities as per SRPS ISO/IEC 17020, SRPS ISO/IEC 17065 or SRPS ISO/IEC 17021 depending on the type of conformity assessment activities that need to be performed as per the said Annexes of the Regulation.
Accreditations can be granted in the course of initial assessments, reassessments or assessments performed to extend the scope of accreditation that had already been granted, whereas the awarded accreditation documents will serve as a proof of competence to perform conformity assessment in case of CAB designation as per the Regulation.
Moreover, it was determined, as defined in the EA policy stipulated in the document entitled EA-2/17 INF: 2014 that tackles CAB accreditation for the purpose of notification and as agreed with the Ministry of Economy (MoE document No. 110-00-165/2015-07 dated 22.07.2015), that accreditation documents (in addition to the aforementioned ones) that are in keeping with SRPS ISO/IES 17025 will be accepted (for the purpose of notification) as a proof of CAB competence and know-how to perform the conformity assessment activities referred to in Annexes 6 and 7 of the Regulation in case of testing laboratories performing testing of noise as per SRPS ISO 3744 if, during the accreditation procedure, additional assessments were performed to determine fulfilment of the requirements laid down in Annex 9 of the Regulation.
Hence ATS allows testing laboratories accredited as per SRPS ISO 3744 to perform noise emission testing to submit, as of 1st October 2015 (or even earlier if their regular surveillance assessments are planned to be carried out before 1st October 2015), applications to extend the scope of accreditation for the purpose of designation to perform conformity assessment as per Article 11 of the Regulation in case of the conformity assessment activities referred to in Annexes 6 and 7 of the Regulation. Assessments will be performed during regular surveillance assessments after the applications have been submitted or as a separate procedure after the applications to extend the scope of accreditation for the purpose of designation have been received. Laboratory assessment will include an assessment of their technical competence or assessment of their know-how and procedures used to make decisions on the basis of audits and evaluations prescribed in the Regulation and obtained noise testing results, whereas these decisions will need to confirm whether the Regulation requirements have been fulfilled or not. With this end in view laboratories should, in addition to all SRPS ISO/IES 17025 requirements, also fulfil the requirements referred to in clauses 4.1, 7.5 and 7.6 of SRPS ISO/IEC 17065 and this will be assessed during additional assessments on the basis of applications for the extension of the scope of accreditation for the purpose of designation. Accredited testing laboratories, the scope of which will be extended during the said procedure, will be issued the new extended Scope of Accreditation that will, in addition to regular information and data, contain clear information that a laboratory for conformity assessment in keeping with the Regulation was additionally assessed as per the relevant SRPS ISO/IEC 17065 requirements.
Application for the extension of the scope of accreditation for testing laboratories for the purpose of designation is posted under D.1.1A ANNEX TO THE APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION (for testing laboratories – SRPS ISO/IEC 17025) - ONLY FOR THE EXTENSION TO THE SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESIGNATION. Completed and signed application forms with requested annexes have to be sent to the ATS’s address.