Annual seminar for members of ATS Sectoral Committeess
SeminarsOn December 21 and 22, 2017, ATS held an annual seminar with accreditation decision makers, members of ATS Sectoral Committees. At the seminar, decision makers were introduced to the work of ATS in the current year, with a special emphasis on ATS peer evaluation by the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA) team and the results of that evaluation. They were presented with planned, regular and development activities of ATS in the next year, which also reflects on the need to supplement the existing sectoral committees (a total of 15) and the creation of new, for uncovered fields of conformity assessment. The members of the Sectoral Committees were briefly presented with the documentation of the ATS management system and they were explained the changes made in the documents during 2017, with an emphasis on familiarization with the provisions of ATS documents related to the engagement and work of decision-making experts - members of Sectoral Committees.
Special attention was paid to the manner of reviewing documentation for decision-making on accreditation, giving experts opinions regarding the recommendations of the assessment team, as well as on the work of Accreditation committees in the previous period.
At the end of the seminar, the issues raised by experts were discussed in order to improve the efficiency of the ATS accreditation decision-making process.
For two days, the seminar was attended by 66 experts, out of a total of 93 registered experts in the Register of Decision-Making Experts.
Seminar for members of Sectoral Committees