Quality Week 2023
GeneralCurrent eventsPromotionIn the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade, the 32nd traditional manifestation called: "QUALITY WEEK 2023" was held.
This gathering, which lasted from March 9th to 10th, brought together numerous experts in the field of quality, science, and business, with the aim of pointing out new trends and requirements for improving quality on the way to business excellence while exchanging experiences and socializing with business partners.
Nikola Vitas, acting Assistant Minister of Economy, opening this event, greeted those present on behalf of the Ministry of Economy and on behalf of Minister Rade Basta. On that occasion, he said that the Ministry highly appreciates the efforts of the Foundation for the Culture of Quality and Excellence, which has been promoting excellence in business for more than two decades and organizes this kind of event.
In addition to Mr. Vitas, the guests of the meeting were also greeted by the director of the Accreditation Body of Montenegro, Anita Krulanović, the director of the Institute for Standardization, Tatjana Bojanić and the acting director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, Dragan Pušara, MSc.
In his address to the gathering, the Acting Director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, Dragan Pušara, M.Sc., used the opportunity to briefly present the strategic goals of ATS that will emerge from the Strategic Document that is being drafted. In this regard, he particularly emphasized the need for digitalization of the accreditation process as well as the digitalization of the assessment process.
He also pointed out that, as a precondition for these processes, information was given on the activities of ATS in order to conclude an agreement with the Office for Information Technologies and Electronic Administration in order to transfer all hardware capacities to the State Data Center in Kragujevac. This technical cooperation creates a prerequisite for the safe storage of all data as well as a prerequisite for the realization of remote assessment in the complete capacity of ATS.
Dragan Pušara, M.Sc., also mentioned other goals related to relieving the burden on the economy in terms of extending the accreditation cycle from four to five years, which will contribute to more efficient work of ATS on the one hand and lower fees in the overall burden on the economy when it comes to accreditation, on the other side.
At the end of his address to the guests, Mr. Dragan Pusara highlighted some other activities related to the development of new accreditation schemes: GHG verifiers, biobanks, and reference materials, where ATS started activities to implement them with the help of Taeks (TAIEX) - Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument, with the expectation that these schemes will become commercial by the end of this year.
ATS is looking forward to the upcoming participation in Quality Week, which is an excellent meeting place for all stakeholders of the QI in Serbia.