
Director of ATS appointed

NoticesCurrent events

The Management Board (MB) of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), at its 12th session held on 07.04.2023, passed a Decision proposing to the Government of the Republic of Serbia the appointment of Dragan Pušara as Director of ATS following the previously announced public competition for the selection and appointment of the Director of ATS, which was announced on 15.03.2023 by the Decision of the MB of ATS.

Based on the above, the following Decisions were published in the Official Gazette of the RS No. 55 on 07.07.2023, which have legal effect from that date:

  • Decision of the Government of the RS 24 No. 119-5808/2023 from 07.06.2023 on the dismissal of Dragan Pušara from the position of Acting Director of ATS and
  •  Decision of the Government of the RS 24 No. 119-5809/2023 from 07.06.2023 on the appointment of Dragan Pušara as director of ATS for a term of five years.