
Participation of ATS in EA Committees

NoticesCooperationInternational activities

In the previous period, representatives of ATS participated in the work of committees of the European co-operation for accreditation (EA).

Active participation in the meetings of these committees is extremely important for raising the quality of work in the field of accreditation both in our country and in the region. This also enables the exchange of knowledge and experience with colleagues from other accreditation bodies as well as further improvement of the accreditation process in accordance with the latest standards and best practices in Europe.

The EA Laboratory Committee met in Brussels on 6-7 September 2023 and elected a new Vice-Chair Belén Villamiel Valdío from the accreditation body of Spain (ENAC). 70 LC Members participated in the Workshop on Flexible Scopes for PT Providers to highlight any difficulties met by the NABs in the flexible scope approach.

EA Horizontal Harmonization Committee (HHC) members met on 13-14 September in Oarus Roissy and discussed, among other things, the revision of EA-2/15 EA requirements for the accreditation of flexible and EA Procedure and Criteria for the Evaluation of CA Schemes by EA NABs.

The EA Certification Committee met in Brussels, Belgium on 19-20 September 2023, 70 CC Members discussed many Questions and Answers and participated in a Workshop on the impartiality of certification bodies. 
On 21-22 September 2023, the EA Inspection Committee met in Brussels, Belgium where a large workshop was dedicated to scoping including flexibility, location, and IT technology assessment. About 60 IC Members also discussed car inspection and type approval issues.

This cooperation with EA contributes to the trust and recognition of accreditation both domestically and internationally.