4 new accreditations granted in October
Current eventsIn October the Accreditation Board of Serbia decided to grant accreditations to two testing laboratories and two inspection bodies. A series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, extension to scope, and on accreditation renewal were made.
Accreditations were granted to the following testing laboratories:
- Cattle Breeding and Veterinary Centre for Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals, Belgrade - Krnjača;
- TEMPO GAS d.o.o. (limited liability company), Testing Laboratory, Belgrade,
and to the following inspection bodies:
- VI VUNIL AD, Leskovac, and
- “SRBIJAAUTOPUT” A.D. (joint-stock company) Belgrade.
The following two bodies renewed their accreditation:
- Institute for Application of Nuclear Energy, “INEP”, Testing Laboratory, Belgrade, and
- Institute for Material Testing, Material Laboratory, Belgrade
for testing activities.
All details about accredited bodies can be found in the Register of Accredited Bodies.