
New accreditations in May

Current events

On 15th May 2009 the Accreditation Board of Serbia 2009 decisions on accreditation were made for two testing laboratories and one calibration laboratory. A series of decisions was made as regards accreditation maintenance, extension to the scope of accreditation, and decisions on accreditation reduction.

In the previous period activities related to conformity assessment of the operation of certification bodies certifying management systems as per the requirements of SRPS ISO/IEC 17021:2007 and in accordance with the Instruction for the Transition from SRPS EN 45012:2004 (ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996) and Instruction for the Transition to SRPS ISO/IEC 17021:2007 (SRPS ISO/IEC Guide 66:2001), whereby a relevant decision was made for two bodies.

The following testing laboratories were granted accreditation:

- Polyclinic for Internal Medicine, Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, Microbiology Laboratory and Pathohistology Laboratory HUMAN, Biochemistry Laboratory, Niš in the domain of biochemical testing;

- SIMEX DOO (limited liability company), Laboratory Simex Quality, Subotica in the domain of alcoholic beverages testing,

and the following calibration laboratory was granted accreditation:

- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory.

Decisions on the transition to SRPS ISO/IEC 17021:2007 were made for two bodies:

- JUQS Društvo za sertifikaciju i nadzor sistema kvaliteta d.o.o. (Association for Certification and Quality System Surveillance - limited liability company), Belgrade 

- „PANCERT“ doo (limited liability company), Novi Sad

for the existing scope of accreditation (certification of QMS and EMS).