
A positive feedback from the EU on the accreditation system in Serbia

Current events

In an EC document entitled “Serbia 2010 Progress Report”, published on 9th November in Brussels, the accreditation system received positive feedback. The following sectors were analysed in a part of the report tackling the European standards, and pertaining to internal market and free movement of goods...

in Serbia: standardisation, accreditation, metrology, market surveillance, and consumer protection.

The EC Report addresses the analyses of legislation, administrative capacities, sectoral strategies and policies in Serbia, and market development as regards the EU Acquis in line with the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and primary objectives that should be attained in the EU accession process.

The report states that a good progress was made in the field of conformity assessment and accreditation given the increase in the number of conformity assessment bodies. Sub-laws underpinning the Law on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment were adopted, while the new Law on Accreditation is fully aligned with the new legislative framework (Regulation 765/2008). The ATS extended the scope of its activities and continued with the provision of training for external assessors and its members of the staff. However, the chairman and the members of the Supervisory Board have not yet been appointed. The administrative capacity of the ATS, i.e. the number of employees, needs to be strengthened.

Since Serbia is endeavouring to join the EU and WTO, the ATS is finalising the process of harmonisation of its regulations with those of the EA, and is getting ready for peer evaluation to be performed by the EA team. The signing of the multilateral agreements with the EA members will enable free movement of goods and services while certificates and reports from our laboratories and bodies will be recognised at regional and international level. This will contribute to easier movement of goods and services, and economic development as a whole.