14th MB meeting
Current eventsThe fourteenth meeting of the ATS Management Board (MB) was held at the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) on 9th April 2013. MB adopted the new Charging Policy Document to be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia after it had been adopted by the Serbian Government.
ATS was charging the applicants for accreditation and accredited conformity assessment bodies in accordance with the Charging Policy Document the application of which started on 28th March 2008. Since then ATS never increased accreditation costs. Pursuant to Article 46, paragraph 1 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Budget System, entities which, in accordance with a specific law, are authorised to determine the amount of fees for public services they provide were bound to harmonise the amount and method to determine thereof with the provisions of Article 11 of this Law and submit the said proposal to the Ministry responsible for financial affairs or to the local authorities responsible for financial affairs in order to be approved. Hence ATS submitted to the Ministry of Finance and Economy a proposal of the new Charging Policy Document that was drafted in accordance with the Regulation on the Methodology and Mode of Determining the Public Service Costs. Although the living costs and the Consumer Price Index in the period between 2009 and 2012 increased by 47.48%, ATS raised the fee rate by about 15%. Price adjustments are related to the processing of applications in case of initial accreditation, extension and renewal of accreditation, preliminary assessment visits and assessor day fees, but not to the costs related to accreditation maintenance (annual fee).
Furthermore, MB adopted the 2012 Annual Report of the Accreditation Body of Serbia.