Organic production training delivered
Current eventsThe seminar entitled “DAkkS Assessor Training „Part E” For assessors for the scope organic production according to EN 45011/ISO-Guide 65 and ISO/IEC-Guide 17065 Effective accreditation: Towards organic integrity!” was organised in the period between 19th and 20th June 2014 in Berlin. It was organised by the German Accreditation Body (DakkS) and was attended by the representatives of certain EA accreditation body members (Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Slovak Republic, Romania, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia), European Commission (DG AGRI and DG SANCO) and IOAS.
The main seminar topics were as follows:
- good practice and possible improvements of third country CB assessment reports (in the field of organic production this relates to all countries outside EU);
- review of the issues pertaining to the solutions contributing to the integrity of organic production;
- presentation of the approach applied when supervised by DG SANCO;
- presentation of experiences related to previous application of EA 3/12M - EA Policy for the Accreditation of Organic Production Certification.
Seminar delegates were able to exchange experiences obtained during the seminar given that these related to CB conformity assessments of organic production in line with the EU regulations in “third countries”, and experiences and expectations of the representatives of the European Commission with special emphasis on identified practical problems. Different stands on the approach of AB assessors when assessing CBs were being harmonised during group work.
Seminar delegates