New accreditations granted in March 2015
Current eventsIn March 2015, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) made decisions on accreditation granting for one testing laboratory, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, withdrawal, etc.
Accreditation was granted to the following testing laboratory:
- SIMPE DOO Beograd, Laboratorija SIMPE, Leštane, Beograd - Grocka.
Decisions to withdraw accreditation were made in case of the following testing laboratory:
- Livnica Kikinda AI d.o.o., RJ Kvalitet, MH Laboratorija, Kikinda
and calibration laboratory:
- Livnica Kikinda AI d.o.o., RJ Kvalitet, Metrološka laboratorija, Kikinda.