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May 20, World Metrology Day, is the day when the anniversary of the 1875 Metre Convention is celebrated. This agreement provides the basis for a coherent worldwide measurement system based on which scientific discoveries and innovations, industrial production and international trade, as well as improving quality of life and environmental protection globally are founded.

The theme of World Metrology Day 2017 is: Measurement for transport. This theme was selected because transport plays a very important role in the modern world. Not only do we move, but also the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the goods we use and depend on, not forgetting about the raw materials from which all this is made. In order to do this safely, efficiently and with minimal environmental impact, we need a stunning spectrum of measurement.

National metrology institutions worldwide continuously improve metrology by developing and confirming new measurement techniques with higher levels of accuracy. This advancement plays a key role in new solutions in the transport sector, with the findings of the hydrogen fuel cell, electric vehicles and new generation of passenger aircraft with more efficient fuel consumption.

National metrology institutions participate in comparisons co-ordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) so as to ensure the reliability of measurement results worldwide. BIPM also provides a forum to member states to deal with new measurement challenges. The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) is developing international recommendations aimed at conforming and harmonizing metrological requirements around the world in many areas, including transport.

World Metrology Day recognizes and celebrates the contribution of all people around the world working in intergovernmental and national organizations in metrology to the benefit of all.

Read more on the following link.