Technical discussion in the field of security
Current eventsOn Tuesday 16th November, Dejan Krnjaić PhD, Director of Accreditation Board of Serbia, participated in the technical discussion entitled National Standards Providing Protection against Hazards in the Field of Agriculture. It was organised by...
the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Association of Private Security Companies in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Security Studies, Institute for Standardization of Serbia and Centre for Crisis Analysis and Management.
By adopting standards for risk assessment in terms of protection of persons, property and business activities Serbia managed, for the first time, to introduce to the market social and economic responsibilities in the field of economy. It is the first national standard that will enable organisations in profit and non-profit sector to carry out integral risk assessment either independently or by using services of specialised risk assessment organisations.
National Committee for Standards ISS/KS A223, Security, is finalising the work on SRPS A.L2.003, Security – Risk Assessment Related to Protection of Persons, Property and Business Activities that was initiated by the proposal of the Association of Private Security Companies. This standard is a logical and functional follow-up to SRPS A.L2.001, Security – Private Security Services – Vocabulary, and functionally it precedes the requirements laid down in SRPS A.L2.002, Social Security – Private Security Services – Requirements and Conformity Assessment Guide.
All activities of an organisation include risks that must be managed. Risk assessment process contributes to efficiency of decision-making process by taking into consideration occurrence of new, intended or unintended activities and circumstances and their influence on accepted vision, mission and objectives.
Risk assessment includes application of logical and systematic methods of: communication and consultation during this process; establishment of organisational arrangements for identification, analysis, assessment, treatment and control of risks related to any activity, product, function or process and adequate reporting on and filing of results.
This standard acknowledges versatility and complexity of nature and level of risks related to different fields of activities of organisations providing private security services and it provides concrete instructions and procedures to estimate the level of risk. It puts special emphasis on the specific context that should be understood by an organisation applying risk assessment.
During the introductory part of the technical discussion Đorđe Babić, Deputy Head at the Emergency Response Sector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Cvetković PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Security Studies, Ivan Krstić MSc, Director of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, Dejan Krnjaić PhD, ATS Director, and Zoran Keković PhD, Centre for Crisis Analysis and Management (Chairman of the Committee adopting standards in the field of security at the Institute for Standardization of Serbia) gave speeches emphasising the importance of adoption of Serbian standards and their harmonisation with national legislation.
Zoran Keković PhD, Đorđe Babić, Vladimir Cvetković PhD, Ivan Krstić MSc and Dejan Krnjaić PhD