Celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia 2021
NoticesCurrent eventsPromotionAccreditation DayCelebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia
On June 28, 2021, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organized a celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, when the first certificate of accreditation was issued 21 years ago.
This was also an opportunity to mark and celebrate WAD, which is globally celebrated on June 9, a date jointly established by ILAC (International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).
The theme of this year’s WAD is dedicated to the goals of sustainable development and reads: ’’Supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals’’ that address global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and justice.
The ceremony in the Club of Deputies was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of state institutions and universities, distinguished guests from the region, members of ATS authorities and bodies, assessors and experts.
Milan Ljusic, State Secretary, addressed the audience on behalf of the Ministry of Economy
On this occasion, he spoke about the role of the Ministry of Economy as the coordinator for technical regulations and the body responsible for creating the strategy and implementing the policy of development of standardization, accreditation and metrology. He pointed out the existence of multiple benefits from accreditation, which are not only available to consumers and suppliers, but also to the entire economy and quality infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia.
Professor Dr. Zoran Punošević, President of the Association for Quality and Standardization of Serbia
also addressed the guests and hosts of the celebration at the solemn gathering.
Sandra Dokić, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Envrionmemtal Protection
One of the distinguished guests and speakers of the ATS celebration was Ms. Sandra Dokić, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Envrionmemtal Protection, who pointed out the importance of accrediatiton, and through the current topic of WAD spoke about the goals that support natural systems and protection, as well as the use of accredited testing, measurement, verification and validation services to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by playing a central role in energy efficiency programs, renewable energy production and public policies in this area.
Dr. Slobodan Cokrevski, Director of the Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Northern Macedonia
ATS had the great honor and pleasure to host Dr. Slobodan Cokrevski, Director of the Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, who during his speech expressed great respect and gratitude to ATS both as the host of the celebration and as an institution with which he maintains international cooperation.
ATS director Prof, Aco Janjicevic
ATS acting director Prof, Aco Janjicevic, PhD talked about the activities of ATS in the past period, key points in the development of the accrediation system, accreditation schemes, international cooperation as well as the most importan activities of ATS in the past 5 years, the plans of the ATS for the next period,. On this occasion, he pointed out the increase in the number of accredited bodies, which reached the figure of 728, and with their increase, the number of leading and technical assessors, as well as technical experts, grew. It was also announced that at the end of 2021, in November, a peer review by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) will be realized.
The central part of the celebration referred to the segment ’’20 years with us’’ and on that occasion, special attention was paid to accredited bodies that received the first accreditation exactly 20 years ago. Prof. Aco Janjićević, PhD presented letters of thanks and plaques, thus acknowledging the long-term cooperation of the bodies:
Institute of Animal Husbandry, Laboratory of Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CIAH Laboratory, Institute of Roads Inc., Department of Building Materials, Laboratory for Asphalt, Hydrocarbon Binders and Waterproofing; Food Testing Center Ltd. Cin Belgrade; SP laboratory Bečej; Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Center for Medical Biochemistry, Jugoinspekt Belgrade AD; doo Jugoinspekt Novi Sad; Kvalitet AD Nis; JUQS doo Belgrade; Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciencies, Center for Explosion Protection CENEh; Agrocultural Professional Service Institute Tamiš doo Pančevo, Laboratory ’’Tamiš Agrolab’’, Institut za puteve AD, Belgrade,, Department of Construction Materials, Laboratories for Concrete and Binders; Oenologicl station Vršac doo Vršac, Laboratory ’’Instalacija inženjering’’ d.o.o, Testing Laboratory, Road Institute AD, Department of Building Materials, Laboratory for Stone and Stone Aggregate; Ministry of Defense, Sector for Material Resources, Military Quality Control; Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Laboratory for Soil and Agroecology – Š & P – Timex DOO Novi Sad, Testing Laboratory; Road Institute AD, Department of Geotechnics, Laboratory of Geomechanics.
Prof. Vladimir Popović, PhD, full professor at the Department of Motor Vehicles at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade and head of the CIAH laboratory
Prof. Vladimir Popović, PhD, full professor at the Department of Motor Vehicles at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade and head of the CIAH laboratoryaddressed on behalf of all laureate winners from the ranks of conformity assessment body.
prim. Sanja Stanković, PhD, director of the Center for Medical Biochmeistry of the Clinical Center of Serbia
The celebration was enhanced by the presence and appropraite speech of prim. Sanja Stanković, PhD, director of the Center for Medical Biochmeistry of the Clinical Center of Serbia, alluding to the importance of accreditation in medicine.
During the solemn gathering, honor was paid to the deceased associates and dear colleagues who passed away in the last year and to whom gratitude was expressed for everything they did in their professional careers and work for ATS, as well as deep regret for the loss of great experts, friends and respected colleagues.
PhD Slavko Muždeka, prof. Vesna Matović, PhD, Vladeta Matović and prof. Boris Lončar, PhD, will forever remain in our hearts and will be remembered as experts who with their knowledge and skills contributed to the quaility of accreditation and the work of ATS.
Special attention was paid to the assessors who marked 20 years of work on the pool of assessors and experts of ATS, who on this occasion received letters of thanks and plaques for long-term cooperation and contribution to the development of the accreditation system and the quality of ATS operations.
Mr. Radivoje Nikolicic, graduated mechanical engineering, leading assessor for testing and calibration laboratories, control and certification bodies for certification of products, management systems and persons
Mr. Radivoje Nikolicic, graduated mechanical engineering, leading assessor for testing and calibration laboratories, control and certification bodies for certification of products, management systems and persons, addressed on the behalf of assessors and experts.
Sreten Selaković, graduated mechanical engineer, specialist in the field of rocketry, leading assessor for testing calibration laboratories, control and certification bodies for product certification
Sreten Selaković, graduated mechanical engineer, specialist in the field of rocketry, leading assessor for testing calibration laboratories, control and certification bodies for product certification, also received the plaques.
Ratomir Stanojlović, graduated mechanical engineer, leading assessor for testing laboratories and control bodies
Ratomir Stanojlović, graduated mechanical engineer, leading assessor for testing laboratories and control bodies, who also marked this solemn jubilee.
During the program, the guests had the opportunity to enjoy short promotional films by IAF and ILAC on the occasion of WAD, presenting the current topic through which the promotion, importance and role of accrediation is emphasized, and that is through supporting sustainable development goals.
The first film is called ’’Meeting the needs of people’’
This set of goals focuses on promoting well-being and combating hunger, reducing inequality and enabling access to good health. Accreditation supports people’s needs as it confirms the safety and quality of the product.
The second film is entitled ’’Building Prosperity’’
This set of goals relates to industry, innovation, infrastructure, decent work and economic growth. Accreditation supports competiveness in domestic markets by facilitating trade for both importers and exporters by removing technical barriers. Economic development, key to the development of prosperity, is linked to domestic and cross-boarder trade, and the need to meet regulatory requirements and national standards is just being demonstrated by reliable accredited conformity assessment.
The last promotional film we had the opportunity to see was ’’Protecting the Planet’’
This part of the goals deals with the protection of the natural world. Global trade and preoccupation with consumption have a negative impact on the environment, the use of limited natural resources and increased production of pollution and waste. Accreditation supports environmental performance in order to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Human impact on the planet has reached dangerous levels, threatening the sustainability and management of natural resources and the protection of the biosphere. The goal of UN is to adopt an integrated approach to economic development in which environment sustainability is a key priority.
group ’’KALEM’’
The festive program was complemented by music tracks, through the sounds of violin and guitar, in which the group ’’KALEM’’, consisting of Stefan Ilic and Dusan Popovic Lipovac, played traditional music from the Balkans, and thus contributed to the positive mood of the Accreditation Day celebration.
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