

IAF and ILAC Launch WAD 2024 Poster Contest

GeneralNoticesAccreditation Day

IAF and ILAC have launched a poster contest to develop the official poster for World Accreditation Day (WAD) 2024! All interested parties are welcome to explore our theme of Accreditation: Empowering Tomorrow and Shaping the Future, with a chance of winning the first-place prize of 1,500 USD or the second- or third-place prize of 500 USD.

This year’s WAD theme will highlight accreditation's role in shaping various aspects of life, from technology to transportation, sustainability to security, and inclusivity to innovation, as digitalization, new technologies, and growing sustainability concerns continue to change our world. 

IAF and ILAC will explore how accreditation enables the development of innovative technologies, and how it can facilitate the integration and adoption of these technologies, particularly in industries and supply chains where precision, safety and quality are critical. We will examine the important role of accreditation in promoting trust in digital technologies, including by supporting cybersecurity and privacy.

You can view it in detail HERE

Congratulations on June 28th - Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

GeneralCurrent eventsAccreditation Day

The Accreditation Body of Serbia hereby congratulates June 28th - Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, to all assessors and technical experts, members of ATS bodies and organs, representatives of ministries and professional associations, accredited conformity assessment bodies, as well as ATS employees.

On this day, exactly 23 years ago, the Accreditation Body of Serbia awarded the first accreditation, and the ATS Statute defined this date as Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, which we celebrate with pride all these years.

Also, an important date, not only for us but for the whole world, is June 9th, when World Accreditation Day is celebrated across the planet, which we celebrated this year in the ceremonial hall of the National Bank of Serbia. On that occasion, the 25th anniversary of our institution was marked with the presence of the founders of accreditation in our country as well as the first people of the institution of quality infrastructure. You can read more about this celebration HERE.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with us all these years for their cooperation, support and understanding so far, with the desire to cultivate such successful business cooperation in the future!

Your ATS


NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation DayPromotion

On June 9th, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) celebrated World Accreditation Day and 25 years since its foundation in the ceremonial hall of the National Bank of Serbia with the presence of the founders of accreditation in our country and the first people of the institutions of quality infrastructure. 

On this occasion, accreditation certificates were also handed over to accredited conformity assessment bodies that received or renewed accreditation in the period from January 2023 until this date.

We remind you that June 9th is the date that is celebrated all over the world as WAD, and it was established jointly by ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum). 

You can view it in detail: HERE

World Accreditation Day #WAD2023

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

World Accreditation themes in recent years have focused on how accreditation supports global issues, and this year's theme is: ‘’Accreditation: Supporting the future of global trade”. 

This theme aims to draw attention to how accreditation and conformity assessment are adapting to advances in technology, changes in consumer behavior and environmental regulations, new trust mechanisms, and changing business models.

Brochure, created in honor of #WAD2023 in Serbian, you can download it  HERE

A Joint Statement published by the Chairs of IAF and ILAC highlights the importance of accreditation in supporting the future of global trade and is available: HERE, while a promotional video for #WAD2023 can be viewed: HERE.

You can view it in detail: HERE 

The new poster for this year’s World Accreditation Day has been selected - #WAD 2023

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesAccreditation Day

The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), announced the winner of the poster design competition for this year’s WAD, on the theme: ‘’Supporting the Future of Global Trade’’, which is traditionally celebrated on June 9th annually.

Vivek Vardhan won first place among many designers and won a prize of $1,500. This colorful design is inspired by the Sanskrit phrase: ‘’Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’’ which means: ‘’The world is one family’’, highlighting the importance of accreditation in promoting quality worldwide and facilitating trade as the global economy has gone through many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

You can view it in detail HERE


Your ATS

Celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation Day

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) on 28th June, 2022 in ‘’mts Dvorana’’, Belgrade organized a celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, when the first certificate of accreditation was issued 22 years ago. 

This was also an opportunity to mark and celebrate WAD, which is globally celebrated on June 9th, a date jointly established by ILAS (International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).

The ceremony in ‘’mts Dvorana’’ was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of state institutions and universities, distinguished guests from the region, members of ATS organs and bodies, assessors, experts as well as decision-making experts. 

ATS employees

Detailed news about Accreditation Day in Serbia read: HERE►

Sincerely, Your ATS

Congratulations on June 9th the World Accreditation Day

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesAccreditation DayPromotion

The Accreditation Body of Serbia congratulates all its associates, assessors and accredited conformity assessment bodies, friends and employees World Accreditation Day, which is celebrated every year on June 9th by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

World Accreditation Day is celebrated with the aim of raising awarness of the importance and significance of accreditation, as well as promotiong the value of accreditation. This year’s WAD theme is ‘’Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment’’ and aims to highlight how accreditation and conformity assessment provide global solutions to issues of general importance, such as sustainability in economic growth and environment protection.

You can read detailed text: HERE►


Your ATS


Celebration of the World Accreditation Day and the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia on 28th June, 2022

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

On Tuesday, June 28th, 2022, in the hall on the ground floor of the building ''mts Dvorana“, 14 Dečanska Street, 11 000 Belgrade starting at 10 am the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) together with its clients, assessors, experts, representatives of state institutions and other associates will celebrate the World Accreditation Day as well as the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, which marks the day when the ATS issued the first certificate of accreditation in 2000. 

Check-in will be possible from 9am on the counter in front of the hall ’’mts Dvorana“. 
Invited participants can register earlier via the following link: HERE►
The agend of the meeting will be highligthed in a timely manner and available for download via the ATS website: HERE►
In case of questions and doubts, you can contact us by e-mail:  or phone number: 011/ 313 03 77.

World Accreditation Day #WAD2022

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

World Accreditation Day is marked on June 9th, 2022 as a global initiative jointly established by International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation.

This year’s WAD theme is: ‘’Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment’’ and aims to draw attention to how accreditation and conformity assessment provide global solutions to issues of general importance. 

The IAF and ILAC will hold a virtual event to celebrate WAD on June 9th, 2022 in two different terms, 8:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC, so that participants from different time zones can join.

A joint statement issed by the IAF and ILAC Chairs emphasizes the importance of accreditation in supporting the implementation of SDGs and is available via the link: HERE►, while the published promotional material on WAD can be viewed at the following link: HERE►

Detailed text read: HERE►



Your ATS

Celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia 2021

NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation DayPromotion

On June 28, 2021, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organized a celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, when the first certificate of accreditation was issued 21 years ago.

This was also an opportunity to mark and celebrate WAD, which is globally celebrated on June 9, a date jointly established by ILAC (International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).

For more information, please vizit: HERE

Yours sincerely, ATS

Congratulations on June 9 – the World Accreditation Day

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesAccreditation Day

On this occasion, the Accreditation Body of Sebia congratulates World Accreditation Day on June 9, 2021 celebrated globally, to all assessors and technical experts, members of ATS bodies and authorities, esteemed representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of ministries and professional associations, thhe ATS employees and accredited conformity assessment bodies,  and representatives of all institutions that cooperate with us.

For more information, please vizit: HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS

Celebrating the World Accreditation Day and the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

NoticesAccreditation DayPromotion

Celebrating the World Accreditation Day and the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

World Accreditation Day (June 9) and Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia (June 28)

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organized a celebration on June 9, on the occasion of marking the World Accreditation Day. The attention was also paid to the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, celebrated on June 28, when ATS issued the first accreditation certificate  20 years ago. The celebration was held on the premises of the Klub poslanika in Belgrade.

The topic of this year's World Accreditation Day, jointly established by ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) to promote the value of accreditation, is: Accreditation - improves food safety. This topic focuses on how accreditation supports food safety by strengthening the trust of consumers, suppliers, customers, and other parties involved in the food chain. The celebration highlighted the importance of accreditation in the field of food safety. Furthermore, the attention was paid to accreditation providing competent and impartial inspection, certification, and testing services in all parts of local, national, and international food chains. Moreover, accreditation supports the United Nations' sustainable development goals, especially the one related to good health and well-being.

In these challenging times caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic the entire quality infrastructure system including accreditation, the healthcare system, and accredited laboratories promptly responded to the task thus making an undeniable contribution to the successful implementation of safety measures implemented by the government of our country. The celebration was held taking the circumstances into account and following the prescribed safety measures. As in previous years, it was dedicated to all accredited conformity assessment bodies, assessors and experts, the ATS employees, and other parties in the world of accreditation. Without their dedicated, competent, and responsible work, it would not be possible to fight coronavirus pandemics.

The representatives of public institutions and universities, members of the ATS bodies and organs, and its technical committees attended the ceremony.

Aleksandar Starcevic, Acting Assistant Minister of Economy, addressed the audience on behalf of the Sector for Product Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Economy. He spoke about the role of the Ministry of Economy that is the coordinator for technical regulations and the body responsible for creating the strategy and implementing the policy of development of standardization, accreditation, and metrology. Additionally, he highlighted the accreditation-related benefits not only for consumers and suppliers but also for the entire economy.

Zoran Djordjevic, Minister for Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, also addressed the audience, welcoming this gathering on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. He emphasized the importance of ATS cooperation with this and other ministries regarding adopting standards and laws in different areas in which accreditation also has a role to play aiming to improve life in general by setting the standards at the highest level.

The ATS Acting Director, prof. Aco Janicijevic, PhD spoke about the ATS activities in the past period, key points in the development of the accreditation system in the past 22 years of existence and functioning of ATS, accreditation schemes, international cooperation, and plans for the future. On this occasion, he pointed out there was an increase in the number of accredited bodies, which reached the figure of 707, whereas the number of leading and technical evaluators and technical experts also grew. He also proudly stated the EA Multilateral Agreement Council (EA MAC), decided on the transition of the ATS from ISO/IEC 17011: 2004 to the new edition of the ISO/IEC 17011:2017 on May 26, 2020. The decision was made by online voting based on the ATS Self-Assessment Report documentary assessment by the Team Leader. Consequently, ATS has confirmed the previously signed EA MLA agreement on mutual recognition of the equivalence of accreditation systems signed by EA members' accreditation bodies recognizing the equivalence and reliability of reports and certificates issued by conformity assessment bodies across Europe (EA region) accredited by the accreditation bodies of the signatories of the agreement. It was also announced that a peer evaluation would be performed by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) at the end of 2021.

As the topic of this year's World Accreditation Day was related to food safety, prof. Aco Janicijevic, PhD emphasized that ATS accredited testing laboratories according to SRPS ISO/IEC 17025 for a large number of methods of chemical, sensory, and microbiological testing. Areas of accreditation include testing of products for human use, including food (plant, animal origin), drinking water tasting, and accreditation in the field of certification of food safety management systems according to SRPS ISO 22000. The product certification schemes under which ATS accredits are the Law on Organic Production ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 30/10) and the Law on Geographical Indications ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 18/10).

Close attention was paid to the first accredited bodies that received the first accreditation certificate issued by ATS exactly 20 years ago. These are "Kvalitet ad Nis and North Control d.o.o. Subotica." Prof. Aco Janićijevic, PhD delivered the thank you note to Vladimir Vukasinovic, the CEO of "Kvalitet ad Nis and Slobodan Gajin, PhD,  the CEO of “North Control d.o.o. Subotica” on the occasion of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the first accreditation being granted - June 28, 2000, 22 years since ATS was founded and the World Accreditation Day - June 9.

For many years, the Accreditation Body of Serbia has been implementing the policy of promoting signed agreements with international organizations such as the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA), the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). The representatives of these organizations extended their congratulations to ATS on the occasion of celebrating the World Accreditation Day and the 20th anniversary of the first accreditation being granted. Eti Feller, General Manager of ISRAC (Israel Labaratory Accreditation Authority) and ILAC Chair, Xiao Jianhua Chief Executive of CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment) and IAF Chair and  Ignacio Pina, EA Chair contributed to the ATS celebration by sending video links sharing their words of praise.

A short promotional film "World Accreditation day 2020. Accreditation: Improving food safety" made on the occasion of celebrating the World Accreditation Day 2020 was played with a subtitle in Serbian, which you can watch here.

Taking into account the slogan of this year's World Accreditation Day was Accreditation - improves food safety, the guests of the ceremony were addressed by the director of the Directorate for National Reference Laboratories, Nenad Dolovac, Ph.D. who spoke about experiences in food safety and the importance of accreditation.

The guests had the opportunity to enjoy the Balkan String Trio members guitar playing, which made this day even more beautiful. This unique trio consists of Zoran, Nikola and Zeljko Starcevic, whose trademark is six-handed playing on one guitar. Everyone was enthusiastic about the unique interpretation of the best Balkan guitarists mixing a synthesis of various Balkan elements: Serbian, Gypsy, Macedonian, Romanian, Moldavian, Hungarian, and others.

Natalija Jovicic Zaric, MSc, who was also the moderator of the event, wished everyone on behalf of ATS to stay safe until the next meeting.

Best wishes!
Your ATS



World Accreditation Day #WAD2020

Announcement of eventsAccreditation DayPromotion

World Accreditation Day #WAD2020

The World Accreditation Day is celebrated on June 9, 2020, as a global initiative jointly established by International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), to promote the value of accreditation. This year’s topic focuses on how accreditation supports food safety by strengthening the trust of consumers, suppliers, customers, and other parties in the food chain.

A joint statement (#WAD2020) issued by the IAF and ILAC chairmen introduces the importance of accreditation in the food safety area emphasizing that accreditation provides competent and impartial inspection, certification, and testing services in all parts of local, national, and international food chains. By doing so, accreditation supports the goals of sustainable development of the United Nations, especially the one that has to do with good health and well-being.

The joint statement of the ILAC and IAF chairmen in the Serbian language can be downloaded HERE.

IAF and ILAC issued a brochure and poster highlighting positive examples of the role of accreditation in the food safety field worldwide.

You can download the brochure honoring the celebration #WAD2020 in the Serbian language HERE.

Further examples and research are available on the websites: and

You can watch a short promotional film "World Accreditation day 2020. Accreditation: Improving food safety", made for the occasion of celebrating the World Accreditation Day 2020 with the Serbian subtitles here:

This year, the Accreditation Body of Serbia celebrates the World Accreditation Day (June 9) and the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia (June 28). This date is the ATS anniversary of issuing the first accreditation certificate 20 years ago. The celebration will be organized on the premises of the Klub poslanika in Belgrade, on June 9 at noon following the safety measures recommended by the Ministry of Health.

The Accreditation Day celebration will be dedicated to all accredited conformity assessment bodies, without whose devoted and competent, operation and responsible approach it would not be possible to fight against coronavirus. In these challenging times caused by the coronavirus pandemic the quality infrastructure system, accreditation, and conformity assessment bodies, as well as the healthcare system and accredited laboratories have responded to the task promptly and successfully, thus making an undeniable contribution to the efficient implementation of sanitary recommendations.

Sincerely, your ATS


Accreditation Day

On June 9, 2017, the International Day of Accreditation on Global Level is celebrated as a date jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) in order for the public...

WAD 2017

Accreditation Day

Every year the World Accreditation Day (WAD), a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum - IAF and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation - ILAC, is celebrated on 9th June to raise awareness of the impo...

World Accreditation Day 2016

Accreditation Day

9th June 2016 marks World Accreditation Day (WAD), a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum - IAF and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation - ILAC to raise awareness of the importance of accreditatio...

World Accreditation Day 2015

Accreditation Day

Every year the World Accreditation Day (WAD), a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum - IAF and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation - ILAC, is celebrated on 9th June to raise awareness of the impo...

World Accreditation Day 2014

Accreditation Day

9th June 2014 marks World Accreditation Day (WAD), a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) to raise awareness of the importance of accreditatio...

Fifteen years of creation of ATS

Accreditation Day

On 6th June 2013 the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organised a special conference in order to celebrate fifteen years of its creation, World Accreditation Day (9th June) and Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia (28th June). The guests were...