

Director of ATS appointed

NoticesCurrent events

The Management Board (MB) of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), at its 12th session held on 07.04.2023, passed a Decision proposing to the Government of the Republic of Serbia the appointment of Dragan Pušara as Director of ATS following the previously announced public competition for the selection and appointment of the Director of ATS, which was announced on 15.03.2023 by the Decision of the MB of ATS.

Based on the above, the following Decisions were published in the Official Gazette of the RS No. 55 on 07.07.2023, which have legal effect from that date:

  • Decision of the Government of the RS 24 No. 119-5808/2023 from 07.06.2023 on the dismissal of Dragan Pušara from the position of Acting Director of ATS and
  •  Decision of the Government of the RS 24 No. 119-5809/2023 from 07.06.2023 on the appointment of Dragan Pušara as director of ATS for a term of five years.

Updated issue of ATS documents

NoticesDocument Amendments

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes the updated edition of the Application for accreditation form, ATS-PR11-O01, edition 8/1 and updated documents in the field of accreditation of certification bodies for the certification of organic products.

• the updated edition of the Application for accreditation form, ATS-PR11-O01, can be downloaded HERE;
• instructions for accreditation of certification bodies for product certification in the field of organic production, ATS-UP26, edition 4/0, can be downloaded HERE;
• you can download the checklist for evaluating certification bodies for product certification in the field of organic production (control organizations that perform inspection and certification tasks in organic production) according to SRPS EN ISO/IEC 17065:2016, ATS-UP26-O02, edition 2/0 HERE.

The application of these documents begins on the day of publication.

The CEN/CENELEC 2023 General Assembly was held

GeneralNoticesCurrent eventsCooperationInternational activities

This year's session of the General Assembly of the European Committee for Standardization, CEN and CENELEC was held from June 19th to 22nd, 2023 in Belgrade. This meeting was hosted for the first time by the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS). 

During this period of the General Assembly session, numerous meetings were held: meetings of the administrative boards of these organizations, then joint and individual assemblies of CEN (59th) and CENELEC (65th), as well as several bilateral talks. More than 200 representatives of national standardization bodies from 34 countries around the world participated in the meetings, where further directions for the development of European standardization were decided.

You can view it in detail: HERE

Congratulations on June 28th - Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia

GeneralCurrent eventsAccreditation Day

The Accreditation Body of Serbia hereby congratulates June 28th - Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, to all assessors and technical experts, members of ATS bodies and organs, representatives of ministries and professional associations, accredited conformity assessment bodies, as well as ATS employees.

On this day, exactly 23 years ago, the Accreditation Body of Serbia awarded the first accreditation, and the ATS Statute defined this date as Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, which we celebrate with pride all these years.

Also, an important date, not only for us but for the whole world, is June 9th, when World Accreditation Day is celebrated across the planet, which we celebrated this year in the ceremonial hall of the National Bank of Serbia. On that occasion, the 25th anniversary of our institution was marked with the presence of the founders of accreditation in our country as well as the first people of the institution of quality infrastructure. You can read more about this celebration HERE.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with us all these years for their cooperation, support and understanding so far, with the desire to cultivate such successful business cooperation in the future!

Your ATS

Five new resolutions added to EA-INF/17

GeneralNoticesDocument AmendmentsInternational activities

European co-operation for accreditation (EA) at its website published the new issue of document EA-INF/17, Register of EA resolutions for use by EA, National Accreditation Bodies, and EA evaluators which shall come into effect from 14th June 2023.

This document contains a register of all relevant EA resolutions that have not been transferred to EA documents but are still valid for conformity assessment bodies, national accreditation bodies, and assessors.

According to the rules of this document, EA members are obliged to abide by the decisions of the General Assembly and the Multilateral Agreement Council (MAC). Most of the decisions taken by the General Assembly in the form of EA resolutions are implemented in the EA documents, but some of them are only mentioned in the resolutions.

The EA has added new resolutions to the document, EA-INF/17 so that it now contains all EA resolutions.

You can view it in detail: HERE

Publication of the EA Annual Report 2022

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities

European co-operation for accreditation - EA on June 6, 2023, published on its website the Annual Report on the work of the European co-operation for accreditation for the year 2022.

This EA Report, which summarizes all the activities of its members, recognized stakeholders, and the EA Secretariat during 2022, can be viewed on the EA website, at the following link: HERE

You can view it in detail: HERE


NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation DayPromotion

On June 9th, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) celebrated World Accreditation Day and 25 years since its foundation in the ceremonial hall of the National Bank of Serbia with the presence of the founders of accreditation in our country and the first people of the institutions of quality infrastructure. 

On this occasion, accreditation certificates were also handed over to accredited conformity assessment bodies that received or renewed accreditation in the period from January 2023 until this date.

We remind you that June 9th is the date that is celebrated all over the world as WAD, and it was established jointly by ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum). 

You can view it in detail: HERE

Highlights of the 53rd General Assembly

GeneralNoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities

The 53rd European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) General Assembly (GA) on 24th-25th May 2023 took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The General Assembly gathered around 90 participants from 45 National Accreditation Bodies (NABs), the EU Commission, Recognized Stakeholders, and the EA Advisory Board. Among those present was acting Director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, Dragan Pušara, MSc. This joint meeting place was an opportunity for Dragan Pušara, M.Sc., on behalf of ATS, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Moldovan accreditation body, MOLDAC. Collaborations like this further strengthen the partnership among EA members, opening the door for mutual growth and success.

You can view it in detail: HERE

World Accreditation Day #WAD2023

NoticesCurrent eventsAnnouncement of eventsAccreditation Day

World Accreditation themes in recent years have focused on how accreditation supports global issues, and this year's theme is: ‘’Accreditation: Supporting the future of global trade”. 

This theme aims to draw attention to how accreditation and conformity assessment are adapting to advances in technology, changes in consumer behavior and environmental regulations, new trust mechanisms, and changing business models.

Brochure, created in honor of #WAD2023 in Serbian, you can download it  HERE

A Joint Statement published by the Chairs of IAF and ILAC highlights the importance of accreditation in supporting the future of global trade and is available: HERE, while a promotional video for #WAD2023 can be viewed: HERE.

You can view it in detail: HERE 


NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) published on its website news about the new issue of standard ISO/IEC 17043:2023 Conformity assessment — General requirements for the competence of proficiency testing providers.
At the ILAC General Assembly held in November 2022, a resolution was endorsed which allows a 3-year implementation period from the publication date of this revised standard, i.e. until 31st May 2026, as shown further in the ILAC Resolution GA 26.09.

You can view it in detail: HERE

The beginning of the application of the CAF model in ATS


The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS), in cooperation with the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government, as part of the European Union (EU) project for public administration reform – EU4PAR, completed all planned activities on the introduction of the CAF model (Common Assessment Framework – CAF) and started with its implementation in order to improve the quality management process and modernize work process. 

CAF, as a modern model for business improvement, significantly helped us to recognize our strengths and potential for improvement and to look at broader requirements, not only in the field of accreditation but also in the field of social responsibility and the development of partnership relations both with stakeholders and with the broader social community.

You can view it in detail HERE

EA MLA Report for 2022 is published

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesPromotion

European co-operation for accreditation (EA) at its website,, published EA MLA Report for 2022 on 10th May, 2023 

The EA MLA Report provides information on the activities of the Multilateral Agreement Council (EA MAC Committee) which is responsible for the effective and impartial management and monitoring of peer evaluation and which makes decisions related to the achievement of the status of a signatory to a multilateral (EA MLA) or bilateral agreement (EA BLA) on the equivalence of the accreditation system at the level of the EA or the European Union (EU). The report provides an overview of the key activities implemented in the previous year and the decisions made concerning signatories.

You can view it in detail: HERE

EA MAC Decisions Published

NoticesCooperationInternational activities

European co-operation for accreditation (EA) published on its website decisions that were made at the 48th EA MAC MEETING.

We remind you, that the Council’s meeting was held in Belgrade from 26-27 April 2023, where 61 participants from 43 National Accreditation Bodies and the representative of the EA Advisory Board participated.

You can view it in detail: HERE

ATS – host of the EA MAC Committee

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) hosted the 48th Committee for Multilateral Agreements of the European co-operation for Accreditation - EA MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT COUNCIL (MAC) MEETING. The meetings of the Committee were held on 26.04. and 27.04.2023 in the Nikola Tesla Hall's pleasant working atmosphere in the METROPOL PALACE hotel in Belgrade. This year's meeting of the Committee brought together 60 representatives, members of EA, from over 40 countries, and representatives of the MAC Management Group.

ATS Acting Director, M.Sc. Dragan Pušara opened this gathering, emphasizing the exceptional importance and role of the EA MAC Committee.

You can view it in detail HERE



NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

On April 21, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) participated in the CLAQ 365 symposium (Laboratory Accreditation and Quality Systems), which was held at the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. This was the 1st symposium related to the accreditation of medical laboratories and the new version of the ISO 15189:2022 standard. The symposium was accredited as international and many experts from abroad and from our country took part in it. Five more nationally accredited symposia are planned to be held.

The acting director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, Dragan Pušara, M.Sc., addressed the attendees and spoke about the activities on the development of the accreditation scheme for medical laboratories according to the ISO 15189 standard

You can view it in detail: HERE

A revised document EA-INF/01: 2023 was published


European co-operation for accreditation (EA), published at its website revised document EA-INF/01: 2023, List of EA publications and international documents.

This publication gives the list of EA documents to be used either on a mandatory or informative basis, according to the classification given in EA-1/14 “Procedure for Development and Approval of EA Documents and the Adoption of ILAC/IAF Documents”.  It contains also the list of International documents approved by EA as applicable EA documents.

This publication can be downloaded HERE


Happy Easter


Dear friends and colleagues,

May the big Christian holiday be filled with health, tolerance, love, and peace.

We thank you for the successful cooperation so far, mutual trust, with the desire to continue to maintain good business relations in the future.


Your ATS

EA Committee meetings were held

GeneralNoticesInternational activities

ATS representatives participated in the work of the committee of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) for inspection bodies, certification bodies, and laboratories, which were held in the previous period. The EA Committee for Inspection Bodies (EA IC) and the Committee for Certification Bodies (EA CC) were held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from March 21st to 23rd.

Marren Wilgos from the Polish Accreditation Body (PCA) chaired a meeting of the EA IC Committee which was attended by around 60 representatives from the national accreditation bodies and stakeholders on 21st March. The next day, the EA CC Committee was held, chaired by the newly elected Casper van Erp from the Dutch Accreditation Body (RVA) and the new vice-chair Wolfram Hartmann from the German Accreditation Body (DakkS).

You can view it in detail HERE

New Regulation about Ecodesign for Products

GeneralNoticesLaws and regulations

The European co-operation for accreditation EA, published on its website news regarding the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC on which improvement the European Commission is working.

Ecodesing of a product is a set of conditions that a product that uses energy shall meet in terms of environmental protection in the period that includes the process of its creation, use, and decommissioning.

This directive has a long track record of delivering benefits to businesses, consumers, and the environment. In 2021 alone, the impact of the current Ecodesign measures, covering 31 product groups, saved 120 billion euros in energy expenditure for EU consumers, leading to a 10% lower annual energy consumption by the products in scope.

You can view it in detail HERE

30 years of the Single European Market

GeneralNoticesInternational activities

This year, the single market is celebrating 30 years of its existence, and in addition to European institutions, European organizations for standardization (CEN and CENELEC) are joining this jubilee. For the European Union, this is also a significant year considering that the removal of administrative barriers means the facilitation of trade through the reduction of bureaucracy, while the application of EN standards contributes to the good functioning of the European market.

Since its creation in 1993, the Single Market has proven to be one of the EU's greatest achievements: by facilitating trade, cutting red tape, and ensuring the same levels of safety and quality across the block, it has helped make everyday life easier, boosting jobs across Europe.

You can view it in detail HERE

New issue of the guidance ATS-UP26

NoticesDocument Amendments

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes the updated edition of the Guidelines for accreditation of certification bodies for certification of products in the field of organic production, ATS-UP26, edition 3/0, the implementation of which begins on the day of publication.

The document complies with the current Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council from 30.05.2018 on organic production and labeling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and with document EA-3/12 M: 2022- EA Policy for the Accreditation of Organic Production Certification.

You can download the mentioned guidance ATS-UP26 HERE

New edition of the Guidance ATS-UP01

NoticesDocument Amendments

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes the updated edition of the guidance, a List of documents containing requirements to be met by applicants for accreditation and accreditation bodies, ATS-UP01, edition 10/0, the implementation of which begins on the day of publication.

The document is based on the current edition EA-INF/01:2023 List of EA publications and international documents, which you can view HERE

The aforementioned guidance, ATS-UP01, can be downloaded HERE

Public competition for the selection and appointment of the director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia



We inform you that by the Decision of the Management Board of the Accreditation Body of Serbia, No. 1-01/2023-14 from 15.03.2023, a public competition was announced for the selection and appointment of the director of the Accreditation Body of Serbia for a mandate period of five years.

You can view the decision HERE

The announcement of the public competition will be published in the daily Politika on Friday, 17.03.2023.

Quality Week 2023

GeneralCurrent eventsPromotion

In the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade, the 32nd traditional manifestation called: "QUALITY WEEK 2023" was held.

This gathering, which lasted from March 9th to 10th, brought together numerous experts in the field of quality, science, and business, with the aim of pointing out new trends and requirements for improving quality on the way to business excellence while exchanging experiences and socializing with business partners.

You can read in more detail HERE