

Celebrating the World Accreditation Day

Accreditation Day

World Accreditation Day (9th June) was celebrated on 8th June 2012 at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce when the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organised a conference dedicated to the accredited testing laboratories performing testing of food and dri...

ATS became full ILAC member

International activities

International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) confirmed on 6th June 2012 that the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) became a full member thereof (for testing and calibration fields) starting from 24th May 2012 on the basis of the multilate...

EU market opens to Serbian products and services

Current events

Minister of Economy and Regional Development of the Serbian Government, Nebojša Ćirić, opened, at the premises of the Serbian Government, a press conference dedicated to the signing of the multilateral agreement between the Accreditation Body of Serbia...

New accreditations granted in April and May 2012

Current events

The Accreditation Body of Serbia made the following decisions in April and May 2012: April 2012 In April 2012, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation granting for four testing laboratories and one certification body operat...

New brochures to promote accreditation

Current events

ATS published six new brochures intended for the conformity assessment bodies and their clients in order to promote the importance of accreditation and conformity assessment when it comes to protection and development of public interest, human health a...

Eighth issue of the ATS e-bulletin


We are presenting the eighth issue of the ATS e-bulletin. This issue’s main theme is “Climate changes – problem or challenge”. Please send us your suggestions on the topics you wish to read about to our email address at  

World Accreditation Day 2012

Accreditation Day

June 9th 2012 will mark World Accreditation Day, a global initiative jointly established by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation-...

A GI training was delivered to certification bodies


On 18th and 19th April 2012, a GI training was delivered to certification bodies as part of the Swiss-Serbian Trade Cooperation Programme in order to build capacities of the GI product certification system. During day 1 experts from Switzerland pre...

Cooperation with other accreditation bodies


On 23rd February, a joint meeting of the representatives of the Accreditation Body of Montenegro (ATCG), Institute for Accreditation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BATA), Accreditation Institute of the FYR of Macedonia (IARM) and ATS was held at the ATS pr...

GIZ/ACCESS Project experts visited ATS


On 14th February 2012, Thomas Schluter and Tilman Denkler, German experts, visited the ATS as part of the GIZ-ACCESS bilateral support project implemented by the German Government (“Governmental Development Strategy for Quality Infrastructure”). In add...

ATS signatory to the EA MLA

International activities

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) is a signatory to the Multilateral Agreement (MLA) of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). The agreement was signed on 24th May 2012 at the 29th meeting of the EA General Assembly (EA GA) in Madrid...

New accreditations granted in March 2012

Current events

In March 2012, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made decisions on accreditation for one testing laboratory and five inspection bodies, and a series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, renewal, extension, reduction, and 1 decision on accreditatio...

New issues of and amendments to documents

Document Amendments

In February and March 2012 new issues of the following documents entered into force: List of Documents Containing Requirements to Be Met by Applicants for Accreditation and Accredited Bodies ATS-UP01, Guidelines for the Application of SRPS CEN/TS 15675...