

IfEP PT schemes in the field of material testing


IfEP (Institute for Material Testing, Germany), accredited by the DAR, is the organiser in the field of proficiency testing (PT) for material testing (hardness, tensile properties and the like) presented in the accompanying documents. These PT schemes...

Quality Award 2008 presented

Current events

Quality Award 2008 was presented for the fourteenth time on the World Quality Day by the Quality Centre of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Fund for Quality Culture and Excellence (FQCE), to the best candidates in small and medium size eneterprises ...

Technical Assistance Project in Serbia


On Wedsnesday, 12th November, at the ATS premises, a meeting was held with Bojan Pečevar, key expert in the field of conformity assessment and accreditation and Project Team Leader of the EC funded Project “Technical Assistance to Key Institutions and ...


Current events

Quality Award 2008, as a ceremony during which the national prize for business excellence is awarded, is a part of the 17th traditional gathering dedicated to the World Quality Day and European Quality Week 2008, is held at the Sava Centre in the perio...

4 new accreditations granted in October

Current events

In October the Accreditation Board of Serbia decided to grant accreditations to two testing laboratories and two inspection bodies. A series of decisions on accreditation maintenance, extension to scope, and on accreditation renewal were made.  Accred...

15th session of the Management Board

Document Amendments

10th October 2008 - 15th session of the Management Board was held at the ATS premises on Monday, 6th October.  As always, the session was chaired by prof. dr Slobodan D. Petrović, Chairman of the Board. The following members of the Management Board at...

Conference and seminars in Montenegro


17th September 2008 - 18th Quality Conference entitled “Management Systems Ensuring Health Safety and Protection”  was held in Montenegro, Sutomore, in the period between 8th and 10th September and organised by Jugoinspekt Beograd, a joint stock compan...

Presenting certificates for 12 organisations

Current events

18th July 2008 - Today at the premises of the Accreditation Board of Serbia the Director of the ATS, Dr Dejan Krnjaić, and the Chairman of the MB of the ATS, prof. dr Slobodan Petrović, presented 13 certificates and notices to the newly accredited orga...

Newly adopted EU Regulation

Laws and regulations

1st July 2008 - Newly adopted EU Regulation – on the movement of goods on the single market, accreditation and market surveillance COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Luxemburg, 23rd June 2008 11062/08 (Press186) Council adopted rules to improve f...

21st EA General Assembly in Tallinn, Estonia

Current events

1st June 2008 - 21st General Assembly of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA GA) was held in the period between 28th and 29th May 2008 in Tallinn in the Republic of Estonia and was hosted by its national accreditation body. More than one hu...