

New edition of Guidances ATS-UP01 and ATS-UP02

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

New editions of documents ATS-UP01 List of documents containing requirements to be met by applicants for accreditation and accredited bodies and ATS-UP02 Guidelines for formulating the scope of accreditation of the CABs 

The Accreditation Body of Serbia published updated editions of guidances, as follows: Akreditaciono telo Srbije objavljuje ažurirana izdanja uputstava i to: List of documents containing requirements to be met by applicants for accreditation and accredited bodies, ATS-UP01, issue 9/1 and Guidelines for formulating the scope of accreditation of the CABs, ATS-UP02, issue 2/1. The application of the new editions of the guidances begins on the day of publication.

The above-mentioned guidances ATS-UP01 and ATS-Up02 can be downloaded form the ATS website: HERE►

Yours ATS

ATS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ESYD 

NoticesCurrent eventsCooperation

A bilateral meeting between ATS and the Accreditation Body of the Hellenic Republic (ESYD) was held in Belgrade on May 20th, 2022 on the premises of the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS).

On behalf of ATS, Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis, Chairman of ESYD, was hosted by Prof. Aco Janjićijević, PhD, Acting Director of ATS, with his associates.

During the bilateral meeting of Prof. Aco Janjićijević, PhD introduced Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis with the work, activities and future plans of ATS. Representative of accreditation bodies were reminded of their successful cooperation that they have nurtured in previous years, participating in the work of international accreditation organizations EA, IAF and ILAC, as well as participation in international projects. 


                            Prof.  Aco Janjićijević, Acting Director of ATS with Mr. Konstantinos Kourtalis, Chairman of ESYD


The full text can be read: HERE►

Your ATS

Invitation to submit a proposal of a candidate for a member of the Accreditation Council

NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

Accredited conformity assessment bodies
             -invitation via the ATS site -

Subject: Invitation to submit a proposal of a candidate for a member of the Accreditation Council

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Law on Accreditation (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 73/2010, 47/2021), the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) establishes the Accreditation Council as an advisory body on issues in the field of accreditation. Prominent experts and scientists in the fields that are important for the performance of tasks within the competence of ATS are elected as members of the Council, as representatives of stakeholders.

The Accreditation Council performs the following tasks: gives opinion regarding the development of the accreditation system in the Republic of Serbia; gives opinions on accreditation rules; gives initiatives for extending the scope of ATS, i.e. establishing new accreditation schemes; gives an opinion on the application of the requirements of accreditation standards in certain fields; propose the establishment of permanent or temporary technical committees as expert bodies for certain fields of accreditation and identifies the parties that should participate in them; proposes members of technical and sectoral committees; adopts rules and criteria for the notification and work of technical committees; determines the responsibilities of technical committees; establishes criteria for assessors; gives opinions on the issue of protection of impartiality of ATS work; gives opinions on other professional issues, at the request of the Management Board. 

Detailed text read: HERE►

Yours ATS

Notification on the amendments of the requirements for accreditation in the field of pressure equipment

NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

In accordance with the Rules of Accreditation, we inform all stakeholders and accredited conformity assessment bodies (CABs) that there has been an amendment in the accreditation requirements in the field of conformity assessment of pressure equipment. 

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Law on technical requirements for products and conformity assessment (‘’Official Gazette of the RS’’, No. 49/21), the minister of Mining and Energy passed the following:

  1. Rulebook on pressure equipment,
  2. Rulebook on simple pressure vessels,
  3. Rulebook on inspections of pressure equipment during the lifetime and
  4. Rulebook on the criteria regarding the number and professional qualifications of employees that shall be met by users and designated bodies in the field of pressure equipment. 

The Rulebooks were published in the Official Gazette of the RS No. 114 from November 30th, 2021.

The Rulebooks shall apply from 1st January, 2023, except for the Rulebook on simple pressure vessels, which shall apply from 1st July, 2023.

For more information click: HERE►

Yours ATS

Amendments of the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsAnnouncement of events

Notification to all accredited conformity assessment bodies and conformity assessment bodies that are in the process of accreditation on amendments of the List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03)

The Accreditation Body of Serbia informs accredited CABs and CABs that are in the process of accreditation that the form List of findings (ATS-PR12-O03) has been amended in such a way that the CAB is now explicitly required to submit, in addition to analysis of cause, also analysis of extent of identified nonconformities/concerns which is a requirement of the standard SRPS ISO/IEC 17011:2018 which provides general requirements for accreditation bodies that accredit CABs.

For more information click here

Yours ATS

Extension of the scope of ATS to the accreditation of medical laobratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 (Point-of-care testing - POCT)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsLaws and regulations

In accordance with the Rules of Accreditation and its procedures, ATS has expanded the scope of its activity to the accreditation of medical laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 (point-of-care testing -POCT).

For the purposes of accreditation in this field of conformity assessment, the Guidance UP 51 Guidance for the assessment of laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 point-of-care testing (POCT).

For the needs of accreditation of medical laboratories for point-of-care testing (POCT), the development, amendment of the accomopanying forms was performed, namely:

  - Application for accreditation in which the Annex D.3.2 for accreditation of POCT is defined (SRPS EN ISO 22870)
  - Check list for the assessment of medical laboratories against requirements of standard SRPS EN ISO 22870:2017 (appendix to           the Check list for the assessment of medical laboratories against SRPS EN ISO 15189:2014)

Also, the new edition of ATS-UP02 Guides for Formulating the Scope of Accreditation of the CAB, Annex 3 defines presentation of the Scope of accreditation of medical laboratories that perform point-of-care testing (POCT) against SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22780.

All these documents are available on the ATS website.

By publishing these documents, ATS is ready to accept and apply for accreditation/extension of the scope of accreditation of medical laboratories according to SRPS EN ISO 15189 and SRPS EN ISO 22870 point-of-care testing (POCT).


Yours ATS


New edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notice: New edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts

The Accreditation Body of Serbia is publishing a new edition of the Application for Assessors and Technical Experts. 

The beginning of the application of the new edition of the form is from 01.11.2021 

Candidates for assessors and technical experts can apply by submitting a completed Application for assessors and technical experts and submitting them in electronic form to the address:, together with the documentation listed in Part B of the Application for assessors and technical experts "Mandatory documentation required should be submitted with the application’’. 
" The specified form ATS-PR02-O01, you can download on the ATS website: HERE►


 Your ATS

New issue of Application for accreditation and Accreditation Contract 

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notification: New issue of Application for accreditation and Accreditation Contract 

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes new issues of the forms, as follows: Application for accreditation, sixth edition and Accreditation Contract, fourth edition. 
The beginning of the application of these new editions of the forms is from 01.11.2021. 

The amendment of the Accreditation Application and the Accreditation Contract is a consequence of the harmonization with the new, thirteenth edition of the Rules of Accreditation, the beginning of the application of which is also from November 1, 2021, as well as with the Law on Accreditation ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 73/2010 and 47/2021).

The listed forms ATS-PR11-O01 and ATS-PR11-O07, can be downloaded from ATS website: HERE►

Sincerely, Your ATS

Extension of the scope of activity of ATS to the accreditation of the body for conformity assessment of medical devices

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notification: Extension of the scope of activity of ATS to the accreditation of the body for conformity assessment of medical devices in the field covered by the Law on Medical Devices ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 105/17)

In accordance with the Rules of Accreditation and its procedures, ATS has expanded the scope of its activity to the accreditation of CABs in the field of medical devices, in accordance with the regulations adopted based on the Law on Medical Devices. The procedure of accreditation of CABs shall be carried out for the purpose of their designation (notification) or authorization in accordance with the Law on Medical Devices ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 105/17) and the Rulebook on Basic Requirements for Medical Devices ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 65/18) and the Rulebook on suspension and withdrawal, as well as on the Rulebook on technical assessment of a medical device on the market ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 99/2018, 37/2019).

For the needs of accreditation in this field of conformity assessment, the Guidance ATS-UP44 Accreditation Criteria and Guidelines for assessment of bodies for conformity assessment of medical devices, issue/revision 1/0 from 07.09.2021, has been prepared, and is also available on the ATS website. By publishing the above guidance, ATS is ready to accept and apply for accreditation/extension of the scope of accreditation for conformity assessment in accordance with the regulations adopted based on the Law on Medical Devices.

New document ATS-UP44 Accreditation Criteria and Guidelines for assessment of bodies for conformity assessment of medical devices, issue/revision 1/0 from 07.09.2021, can be found on the ATS website: HERE►

Your ATS

New editions of ATS documents

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments


Notice: New editions of ATS documents

In the previous period, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made changes in the existing documents and published new editions of procedures and guidances, as follows:

  • ATS-PR13_Development, Establishment and Extension of accr. schemes_3-0_23.08.2021
  • ATS-PR16_Resolution and complaints_6-0_23.08.2021
  • ATS-PR18_Accreditation for designation (notification) purposes_1-0_16.08.2021
  • ATS-PR19_Evaluation of CAS_1-0_23.08.2021
  • ATS-UP01_List of documents containing requirements for accreditation_8-0_25.08.2021
  • ATS-UP02_Guidelines for formulating the scope of accreditation of the CAB_1-0_07.09.2021
  • ATS-UP 07_List of testing, calibration, inspection, certification codes, key words_4-0_15.08.2021
  • ATS-UP 21_Code of Assessors_2-0_16.08.2021
  • ATS-UP 23_Code of Experts for Accreditation Decision-making_1-0_16.08.2021
  • ATS-UP 25_ Accreditation of sampling activities_2-0_05.08.2021
  • ATS-UP 26 Guidelines for Accreditation of CBs in the Field of Organic Production__2-0_03.09.2021
  • ATS-UP ATS-UP 38_Determining locations, number of assessment days and necessary witnessing_3-0_16.08-2021 28_Accreditation of flexible scope_3-0_02.09.2021
  • ATS-UP 39_Guidance for assessment of PTP_1-0_07.09.2021
  • ATS-UP 41_Evaluation of CAS_2_0_23.08.2021
  • ATS-UP 42_Guidelines for application of ISOIEC 17020_ILAC P15_1-0_22.07.2020


These documents can be found on ATS website: HERE►

Sincerely, Your ATS

New issues of ATS rules

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Notification: New issues of ATS rules 

In the previous period, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made changes to the existing documents and published new editions of documents, namely:

- ATS-PA02, Rules for participation in proficiency testing programs and inter-laboratory comparisons, 4/0 from 27.07.2021
- ATS-PA03, Rules for obtaining metrological traceability of measurement results, 4/0 from 27.07.2021
- ATS-PA04, Rules for the use of accreditation symbol, reference to accreditation and ATS status as a signatory to the EA MLA, ILAC MRA and IAF MLA, 6/0 from 28.07.2021
- ATS-PA05, Rules of cross-frontier accreditation, 4/1 from 27.07.2021
- ATS-PA07, Rules for the use of the mark (logo) of ATS, 2/0 from 28.07.2021
- ATS-PA08, ATS Scope of activity, 2/0 from 05.08.2021



These documents can be found on the ATS website: HERE►



Your ATS


New issue of Rules of Accreditation ATS-PA01

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument Amendments

Note: New issue of Rules of Accreditation ATS-PA01

The Accreditation Body of Serbia publishes a new, thirteenth edition, Rules of Accreditation ATS-PA01.

Amendment of the Rules of Accreditation is a consequence of the harmonization with the Law on accreditation (‘’Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 73/2010  and 47/2021).

A transitional period for the application of the new Rules of Accreditation was determined, so that these Rules enter into force and shall be applied from November 1, 2021. Until then, the Rules of Accreditation ATS-PA01, edition twelfth from 12 of July 2019 shall be applied.

The abovementioned Rules of Accreditation  ATS-PA01, thirteenth edition, August 2021, can be found on the ATS website: HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS

New editions of ATS documents

NoticesDocument Amendments

Notice: New editions of ATS documents

In the previous period, the Accreditation Body of Serbia made changes in the existing documents and published new editions of documents, as follows:

-New edition of Rules ATS-PA06, Rules on Estimate of the uncertainty assessment of Measurement; Rules ATS-PA,6 are in accordance with the mandatory document ILAC P14: 09/2020 ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration.

-New edition of the Guide ATS-UP36, General Principles of Impartiality; The document is in accordance with documents EA-2/20 G:2020 Consultancy, and the Independence of Conformity Assessment Bodies, ILAC-P15: 05/2020 Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Inspection Bodies and EA-2/17 M:2020 EA Document on Accreditation for Notification Purposes.

Sincerely, Your ATS

Celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia 2021

NoticesCurrent eventsAccreditation DayPromotion

On June 28, 2021, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) organized a celebration on the occasion of the Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia, when the first certificate of accreditation was issued 21 years ago.

This was also an opportunity to mark and celebrate WAD, which is globally celebrated on June 9, a date jointly established by ILAC (International Organization for Laboratory Accreditation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).

For more information, please vizit: HERE

Yours sincerely, ATS

Congratulations on June 9 – the World Accreditation Day

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesAccreditation Day

On this occasion, the Accreditation Body of Sebia congratulates World Accreditation Day on June 9, 2021 celebrated globally, to all assessors and technical experts, members of ATS bodies and authorities, esteemed representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of ministries and professional associations, thhe ATS employees and accredited conformity assessment bodies,  and representatives of all institutions that cooperate with us.

For more information, please vizit: HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS

Law on Contruction Products (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 83/2018)

NoticesCurrent eventsDocument AmendmentsLaws and regulations

Extension of the scope of ATS’s work to accreditation of certification bodies for certification of products, processes and services in the area covered by the Law on Contruction Products (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 83/2018) 

Law on Contruction Products (Official Gazette of the RS no. 83/2018 from October 29, 2018) recognized the role of accreditation in the procedure of notification of  a body for assessment and verification of continuity of performance, which is defined in Article 41 of the Law. It is prescribed that a body which has an accreditation certificate, meets the prescribed requirements for notification given in the law to the extent that the requirements are covered by the scope of accreditation, taking into account the procedures for assessing and verifying continuity of performance for construction products are covered by accreditation.

For more information , please vizit: HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS


World accreditation day #WAD2021

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activitiesPromotion

World accreditation day #WAD2021

International Accreditation Organizations– International Accreditation Forum (IAF)  and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC),  as every year on June 9, 2021, mark World Accreditation Day globally to better inform the public about the importance and value of accreditation.

This year’s theme of the World Accreditation Day for 2021 is: Supporting the Implementation of the SDGs.

For more information on sustainable development goals, joint statement (IAF presiding and ILAC presiding) and short promotional videos, please vizit: HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS

Law on Amendments to the Law on Accreditation

NoticesCurrent eventsLaws and regulations

Adopted Law on Amendments to the Law on Accreditation 

Assembly of the Republic of Serbia passed the Law on Amendments to the Law on Accreditation, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 47/2021, which entered into force on 18th May 2021. 

You can see the most important changes and amendments to the law: HERE

The Law on Amendments to the Law on Accreditation prescribes deadlines for harmonization of The Act of Establishment, the Statute and the Rules of Accreditation, and also prescribes a deadline for the adoption of Rulebook on the work of the Appeal Committee. 

Sincerely, Your ATS

The expression of interest in vaccination against COVID-19

NoticesCurrent events

The expression of interest in vaccination against COVID-19

The citizens of Serbia can express their interest in vaccination against Covid-19 by filling out a simple questionnaire that can be found on the Portal This is the first step in the organization of mass vaccination and obtaining the date and place of immunization in accordance with the priorities prescribed by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia ”Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut.”

For more information please visit: HERE►

Yours sincerely, ATS

The ATS current account change

NoticesCurrent events


We would like to inform all our clients that as of January 4, 2021, the current account of the Accreditation Body of Serbia has been changed.

The new current account is:
Recipient: the Ministry of Economy - the Accreditation Body of Serbia
Account: 840-31306845-37
Model: 97, Reference number: 20-64030040174231700
payment code: 253

NOTE: Indicate the invoice number when stating a payment purpose.

If you need additional information, you can contact Mr. Jovan Simić at 011 3130 375 or via e-mail:, or Mr. Radomir Lekić via e-mail:, and at the same phone number.

Sincerely, Your ATS

The new issue of the ATS Bulletin

NoticesCurrent eventsPromotion

The new issue of the ATS Bulletin

Dear readers, despite the unfortunate coronavirus-induced situation disrupting us all, our lives, and business activities, we have been trying to keep up the good work. The latest, 24th edition of the ATS Bulletin is the proof of it. We wrote about various topics covering a wide array of quality infrastructure fields as you have already been accustomed to and we hope that we have not betrayed your trust.

This ATS Bulletin main topic is the publication of a new document entitled EA-2/20 G: 2020 Consultancy, and the Independence of Conformity Assessment Bodies defining the EA approach in assessing the independence of conformity assessment bodies concerning conformity assessment activities carried out by these CABs as notified bodies regarding consultancy and other activities outside the scope of accreditation.

Yours sincerely, ATS

Webinar:"How to become a notified body for construction products?"

NoticesSeminarsCurrent eventsLaws and regulations

A webinar entitled: "How to become a notified body for construction products?"

The webinar on "How to become a notified body for construction products?" organized by the Institute for Standardization of Serbia was held on December 7, 2020. The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) also participated as a lecturer.

For more information please visit: HERE►
Sincerely, your ATS

EA General Assembly held

NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities

EA General Assembly held

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, General Assembly  (GA) of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA), which lasted from 25-26 November 2020, took place entirely online.The General Assembly brought together over 80 participants from 50 national accreditation bodies (NABs), the European Commission, EC, recognized stakeholders and EA Advisory Board, with the participation of their chairpersons.

At the meetings that were held in these two days, Aco Janjićević, PhD, the ATS Acting Director. In the continuation of the news, we single out some of the most important decisions that were made. HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS


NoticesCurrent eventsInternational activities


Given the current difficult situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, online meetings of the 24th General Assembly of ILAC were held on October 22, 2020 and the 34th General Assembly of IAF, November 5, 2020.

Below, we highlight some of the Resolutions adopted HERE

Sincerely, Your ATS

Work from home continues due to the aggravated epidemiological situation

NoticesCurrent events

Work from home continues due to the aggravated epidemiological situation

The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) informs all the clients and external associates the decision the ATS employees work from home during the aggravated epidemiological situation caused by coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) is still in force. Hence the continuity of ATS business activities is ensured.

ATS continues the implementation of all planned assessments by choosing those assessment techniques enabling confidence in competence, regularly reviewing all the relevant information received from conformity assessment bodies and their assessors and experts related to the epidemiological situation, while taking care to protect the health and safety of each assessment participant to the highest possible extent.

Depending on the further development of the situation, additional conformity of assessment plans will be implemented for certain conformity assessment bodies. We kindly ask you for your understanding. Competent Accreditation File Managers will inform you regularly.

For further information on how to communicate with ATS please refer to the following link :HERE►

Best regards, ATS